RL peeves! >< @$!#
Oh yeah not saying anyone is lazy for going in later
rather, we each have assigned work queues: so i can go in early and get done earlier. But then someone says God I'm not going to get done till 6 can you take some of my assigned work load so I can get done earlier? Then you should have come in earlier. I bust my ass all day, to get done by the time I want to. And part of that is coming i. Early
I've been burned by energetic early-morning workers who thought me coming in at say, 2pm and leaving at say, 4pm, was unreasonable/unfair/whatever.
If I've been working all night fixing something so that you can work in the morning you can go to hell.
No, this isn't directed specifically at @iceshinagami; this is the peeves thread so: I'm peeving.
And by all means @Chime that is a very very reasonable peeve. I'd be kissed off at that too!
@ThatOneDude said:
People that drive slow in the fast lane, and, don't move out of the lane when they are holding up traffic.
Anyone who drives less than 10 mph over the speed limit. I don't care what that sign says, you add 10 at MINIMUM. And I want to murder anyone entering the freeway at 40. We all drive trucks and have at least 2 guns each, best to get out of the way.
@Luna Seriously? I usually go about 5 over, but I don't rage against people going the speed limit. Maybe they have kids in the car, maybe they just got a speeding ticket and have toned it down a bit, maybe they just don't care to break traffic laws. I'm sure the last thing that'll make that situation better is some gun-wielding nut in a truck, riding their ass for not going a minimum of 10 over.
@Glitch Yeah, I don't go anything over 5, if I can help it. Granted, I've only a permit so I'm always worried I'll get a ticket and never be able to get my full license.
Hi, we haven't really met. I'm rather sarcastic.
My city is known for it's aggressive drivers. I want to say we rank in the top 10 in the country and first for speeding or something? Anyone in the fast lane is usually going about 80. The center lane is likely going 80...and likely the whole line of 18 wheelers are all going 80. It's just what we do. I've hit my governor simply by going with the flow and being in a long line of cars going the same speed. So for real, stay out of the passing lane.
But really, it's a very good way to get killed by trying to merge onto the 70mph freeway going 40 and people from other states do it ALL THE TIME. I think it's because our freeway system is truly nuts and does not work at all like it does in almost the entire rest of the country.
The last bit was tongue in cheek, because Texas.
ETA - Really thinking about it, 10 over is standard around here across the board on every fairly major road, except in the cities that only exist to be speed traps.
I'd admit, not driving like the drivers around you is annoying. Around here, you go around 5-10 over the speed limit, but we know how to drive well enough that you don't run over other drivers. I've driven Chicago, Boston, Seattle, and even they know that. They might get ticked off, but they know enough to account for it. They know their culture. (edit: except for taxi drivers; I rage against taxi drivers)
Being ignorant to that seems like a very Texan thing to do.
@Cobaltasaurus Cruise control is your best friend.
@Glitch In defense of @Luna and my post I focused on "The Fast Lane". Like others have said I've driven all over the US and World and learned a lot about driving. But being back in Southern Cali I've been screaming at slow drivers on the 405 in the "fast lane" going slower than the flow of normal traffic.
I turn into Samir from Office Space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enzJUemPYeU <-- Potentially NSFW due to the use of profanity.
@Thenomain I...what? Oh. I think I see where you're misunderstanding. Maybe? Freeways here are generally 65-75. Actual speed limit, excepting the parts between major cities that hit up to 85. You enter them off the feeder, which are usually 40-50. The norm is to accelerate on the ramp and then stay in your lane until you're up to speed and merge before your lane ends or becomes an exit only, but some people...panic or something? I'm not sure, but they'll try to merge into moving traffic going 10-30+ miles below the posted speed. It's actually illegal, you yield to the major road, they have the right of way.
My point about going at least 10+ miles over is in the fast lane, or what we call here, the passing lane. It's for passing, aka going faster than other people. You can get a ticket for not passing people in the passing lane. Like I don't care if I'm doing 90, if a super car or a bike comes up behind me, I move over to let them by.
Where I'm misunderstanding?
@Luna said:
But really, it's a very good way to get killed by trying to merge onto the 70mph freeway going 40 and people from other states do it ALL THE TIME.
Emphasis mine. I think I'm less misunderstanding and you're more mis-stating.
My peeve is: At least get to the speed limit when you hit the freeway. This has nothing to do with speeding, culture, or Texas. Natives do this all the time.
@Thenomain That's a good peeve! And I more mis-stated, yes. When people do it, it's most commonly out of staters. Or elderly. It's not part of our driving culture. If it were common, we'd at least watch out for it, but it's not common enough so we don't.
Peeve: So a person got a new dog in the neighborhood recently. Said dog is one of those that howls every time they hear sirens. Our neighborhood is directly across the highway from the hospital.
There are sirens no less than five times a day.
Now there are sirens + howls no less than five times a day.
Why the fuck would you bring that kind of dog to this neighborhood?
I like to think I'm fairly safety-conscious and a courteous driver, so I try to keep it under 90 mph.
Dear Boss. When I suggest RPing (yes, we can call it "case studies" instead) to help divisions get a better idea of what they-all actually do for clients, do not then say we can do it as part of a mixer. RP is srsbznz! It is not for booze!
Way to ruin my awesome idea to sneak RP into workplace.
You can RP being sober?
Roll to see if I'm getting drunk.
Are there girls there?!?