Super Hero System?
I am torn on what system to use, or to just make up one so that everyone is equally annoyed at having to read a bunch even more than they will be for having to read original news and theme files.
Option 1) Pure Marvel Super Hero RPG (TSR version) complete with random rolled stats/powers.
Option 2) Marvel Super Heroes converted to a point buy system
Option 3) Supers! Revised Edition
Option 4) Custom FATE (Probably based off Strands of Fate)
Option 5) DC Adventures (Or the game of chart comparisons!)
Option 6) Champions 6th Edition (Caveat: I will put in templates so people can create solid characters quickly without needing to know the rules in infinite detail).
Option 7) Aberrant (Change Node to Channeling, and Quantum to Power Rating, remove automatic taint, make them flaws for nova points)No matter what system, there will be no FC's, and not based on any established comic universe. This is to get an idea as to what this particular community would like to see most out of these options.
Reply with option of choice please.
Well, My opinions from a coding perspective are:
Fate is easy.
DC Adventures is annoying.
Champions is time consuming. Not difficult, just time consuming because of all the tiny tidbits.
Supers I am unfamiliar with.
Marvel Super Heroes I am unfamiliar with.
Aberrant is no harder than any other storyteller system, which means it's mostly annoying busy work and not so much hard codewise. -
Question: what level of tactical play, attention to guns and armor, computer systems and AIs do you intend to deal with. If you want to represent body armor and guns versus the superhuman scale you choose, FATE isn't your thing, Hero is. If you want to see character with small powers take on small fry, Marvel and Aberrant aren't your thing, but FATE might be.
Supers! is never anyones thing.
Have you looked at Capes, or Masks, or Mutant Blues?
I am reasonably certain I can code all of these systems without taking to much time to do so.
As for scale, I want to allow a wide range of scales because even The Avengers, or Justice League, had people of widely disproportionate power levels in it.
Tactically I don't want to have to try and code up a battle grid or the like, that is beyond me. I'm not capable of doing so at this time.
I am not familiar with Capes, Masks, or Mutant Blues.
In the grand tradition of ignoring presented options for personal preference: M&M3e.
@Glitch said:
In the grand tradition of ignoring presented options for personal preference: M&M3e.
I was going to use M&M3e but, they kiddy gloved it so much, and there was issues with the system I disliked.
It is definitely more four color than gritty, so if that's the setting you're going for, it might not fit. Personally, I find it mechanically very sound. Wild Talents?
I can go even more unpopular, @Glitch - Silver Age Sentinels/BESM aka Tri-Stat.
@Glitch said:
It is definitely more four color than gritty, so if that's the setting you're going for, it might not fit. Personally, I find it mechanically very sound. Wild Talents?
Wild Talents I liked, but, the differences between hard dice, wiggle dice, and regular dice could make it relatively easy to be confused for newcomers to the system, and an easy way to gimp yourself.
Savage Worlds I liked, except for the whole dealing out playing cards thing. Which is just adding an unneeded level of complexity to mush dice code.
There you have it, @Lithium, multiple suggestions for nothing you wanted.
@Glitch said:
There you have it, @Lithium, multiple suggestions for nothing you wanted.
That's the way it goes
At the moment, Aberrant is the easiest conversion but, I am /reallyreallyreally/ tempted to throw balance out the window and make people random roll characters via old school Marvel with some combat house rule tweaks
@Lithium You are an awful person.
Though if you're leaning that way, what is a little pain from Wild Talents?
@Glitch said:
@Lithium You are an awful person.
Though if you're leaning that way, what is a little pain from Wild Talents?
Well Marvel I can code an automatic resolution in. To take away some of the pain of learning the system. With Wild Talents the system itself is really simple, and yet horribly complex, and really easy to get confused if you are unfamiliar.
EDIT: Also, if I was /truly/ an awful person, I'd code it up so it random rolled hero's unlimited characters!
Silver Age Sentinels is poop. Not as bad as Brave New World, but after working hard with it, we ran into allllll sorts of issues.
Simplest: game rolls under a stat to make a skill check, like an attack or Investigation roll. To scale up for supers, they just you know upped the die type you roll. So regular cops go from hitting regular people some of the time, to very very rarely. It removes human scale from being resolvable by the game system. Hope persuasion wasn't important to your hero who doesn't have super charisma.
I really liked tri-stat for BESM games. But I have to second Misadventure I did not really like it for superhero. Same system I know but for me it just didn't fit superhero style.
I would be alright with any of the suggestions in the original post though I have not read Supers.
I would recommend against all things Savage Worlds but that is the one system I refuse to touch, even with table top. It is too clunky to be rules light and no were near in depth enough to engage on a game level so just feels in the way. I have a RL friend that loves it and has decided to only run it, so I have used it a few times but dropped out of that group since I could not stand the system. -
I'll admit i has been MANY years since I played SAS. But I am playing BESM-star wars right now and love it.
@Misadventure said:
Question: what level of tactical play, attention to guns and armor, computer systems and AIs do you intend to deal with. If you want to represent body armor and guns versus the superhuman scale you choose, FATE isn't your thing, Hero is. If you want to see character with small powers take on small fry, Marvel and Aberrant aren't your thing, but FATE might be.
Supers! is never anyones thing.
Have you looked at Capes, or Masks, or Mutant Blues?
My name is anyone.
It's a great system.Supers! is absurdly simple and as indepth as you'd like to make it. If you want a simple concept go for it. If you want a complicated one, the system will work with you in that regard.
Everything costs 1D, except Wizardry, and Invulnerability (Full) I think they required 3D.
Customizing is the same. Boost? +1D, Complication -1D. Trade off. 0Adding powers, disadvantages, advantages and aptitudes easy peasy.
My favorite part about Supers! is there are no base stats, like Str, Dex, Etc. Instead they use Resistances and the versatility in taking damage is crazy fun at times.
There are a lot of things to consider, considering Supers! is not geared for death. You die, you make another character without losing any experience. My thoughts is that you'd have some very high powered players in short time. May want to consider separating player given votes/xp with staff xp, or just go with death is death, or some variation in between.
If you want a system more geared towards telling stories, might peek at Icons.
Oh man, I crossed Supers! with Superworld. My bad.
I'm considering Supers, I looked at Icons but it didn't really float my boat. As for XP, yeah, there'd be no XP transfer, and XP would likely be fairly slow unless I went with Marvel, cuz it requires rediculous amounts of karma to do anything cool.
Marvel Heroic using Cortex+