@Ghost said in The 100: The Mush:
- There are two factions. Are there any non-staff PCs in leadership positions who have the freedom to direct their faction as they see fit, or for both factions, are the factions run by staff NPCs/staff PCs, and these faction heads give direction to the PCs?
Grey is a leader in the Delinquent camp, but after consequences for some of his IC actions, there are several other PCs who are equally--if not more--leader-y in camp. Yes, those PCs are free to do as they like. There is not, however, any 'official' leadership on that side. On the Grounder side, there is indeed an NPC leader directing things, but he is only used for plot points or disseminating information to PCs, who are free to take those points or not as they will. He is not a GMPC, and Andromeda's Grounder PC is about as far from a leadership position as is possible without being an actual outcast.
- Have any non-staff PCs been granted the freedom/responsibility to be the inter-faction liaison to perform diplomacy as the player sees fit?
Yes. Three non-Staff PCs were in charge of Delinquent negotiations with the Grounders. There have also been other PCs (Staff and non-Staff alike) who have attempted less formal negotiations to varying results (including Grey losing a good deal of influence in camp even while his co-conspirators lost very little).
- For players who feel they are outside of the clique (and perhaps some who are), what is the response like to +jobs or ideas that direct plot, ot tiny plot, in a direction that the non-staff player sees fit?
Staff attempts to discuss/approve/shepherd forward jobs quickly and efficiently. Sometimes, a request doesn't fit theme, but in that case, we try to suggest a themely alternative that still gets the same desired result.
I think ultimately, the question is, is this a game where the non-staff PCs decide the direction of the game, or is this game a conconcted story idea by staff that will require close monitoring and staff-PC plot control to avoid derivation?
It is certainly our desire to see all PCs (Staff and non-Staff alike) able to act as they want within theme, while still receiving guidance from Staff to ensure that the spotlight is shared between PCs appropriately, everyone gets a chance for character development, and the camp doesn't splinter off a dozen different groups of 1-4 Delinquents trying to go it alone (because that's not sustainable as a game or in theme).
Is there a Grounder-Delinquent romance going between two Staff PCs? Yup. And we've made no attempt to hide it, and we fully expect both of them to get negative consequences for it pretty dang soon. There is also at least one other Grounder-Delinquent romance currently ongoing that doesn't involve Staff at all (maybe two, depending on how soon in a process you define "romance").