I love my doctor's office.
I was born with a fairly rare condition. And for most of my life, post-pediatricians, the reaction when I name this condition has been:
even when the scars on my abdomen are in full view. Because the condition is rare enough that you pretty much have to be in obstetrics or pediatrics to have ever dealt with it (or in the case of a gastroenterologist I once met: served as a pediatric surgeon). So many doctors would just think I made up some "medical sounding word" because they knew "everything." There were times this caused severe health problems for me over the years.
So it is a fucking gem in my world when a doctor is willing to hear more about it or is even willing to research it themselves. Those are the true healers, y'know? The ones who know it's impossible to know it all. The ones who acknowledge they are specialists in their field.
The condition I was born with, I only survived because I was born in the exact right place. The surgeon was pioneering ways to save kids born with the condition. He wrote papers on me. I have never met anyone born with it. The closest is I once spoke to someone who had a younger cousin born with it. I've searched online before and the closest I've found is mommy forums with threads and I think the oldest kid on one of those was like, 10.
Anyway. My doctor's office. My doctor, when I went in yesterday, was fascinated to hear about it, wanted to get the name right, and was like 'I have homework to do.' I didn't get my usual doctor (since it was an emergency visit), but my usual doc is even amazing. Like, one of the sweetest people ever. The whole place is lovely. I usually do not like going to the doctor because it makes me uncomfortable to be touched, undressed in a weird place, etc etc... But this office is just... it's welcoming, everyone is so nice and understanding. It deserves the high ratings it has.
They even have an online portal setup so they can do follow-ups at home to check on progress of meds or so you can ask questions that way you don't have to trek back in which everyone knows is a hassle. They basically have figured out this doctor office shit.