Apr 25, 2019, 7:42 PM

@Sparks said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):

my trick was to say under my breath what the shape/color was when it appeared

That is definitely the sort of thing I do, yeah. And patterns and rhymes and rhythms and associations and sometimes just repeating the word or list over and over in my head, though if something pulls me out of that and I didn't have something to rebuild it like a pattern I spotted/created then it's probably mostly gone.

ETA: using timers is literally one of the three reasons I have a smartwatch.

For a long time I had a watch with a dedicated timer button, and a row of marks across the top. 30 20 15 10 5 3 1. Every time you hit the button it went up one level, so if you wanted five minutes, just press the button three times. 15? Five times. And it was small and round and plain black and when I put a leather band on it it didn't even look like a digital at a glance. I really miss that watch. It was ridiculously useful to me through high school and college.