So, story time.
This is one I've kept 'under the hat' for a long time because it... it's a hard one? But watching that relationships video reminded me of it. Especially the part about partners getting upset when your attention 'drifts.' My ex-husband was constantly -- constantly -- convinced I was cheating or preparing to leave or- or- or- because I was focused on other things. I might be working on writing or knitting or just playing a game and he wanted me focused on him because yesterday I was focused on him and why am I not focused on him today do I hate him now???? and it was so stressful to try to convince someone yes I do love you how do I convince you of this other than forcing myself to sit here and watch you play a video game while doing nothing else as my brain claws at itself-
I mean eventually I did hate him for that and a multitude of other reasons.
But it reminded me of... part of why I was convinced I didn't have ADHD for so long actually goes back to when he and I were dating. In my early 20s there was not only a lot of drinking and weed, but also casual drug use. And one very very early example was at a party with him and some other people, someone had... ritalin. And was like ha ha let's take it for fun.
I got super into a conversation. Like, hyperactively insanely into talking about... I don't remember what the topic was. But I was SO into it. Whereas he and the other person were just chill and whatever but the topic they got me onto, I was SO INTO I was talking a mile a minute and it was all I cared about.
And later that night he was like 'Well, we know YOU don't have ADD. You got way too hyper.' And that thread continued our entire marriage. Any time I ever felt like I had ADHD, or got stressed out, or someone said they felt like I did- he'd be there (because he was so good at detaching me from everyone around me, at gaslighting, at controlling my life) insisting no, no you don't, remember that time that-
But now that I've done more research, learned more, I've found that my reaction to a random ritalin (esp. one I don't know the dose of) is actually more indicative that I do have ADHD than don't by a long shot. Getting hyper-focused into a topic I'm passionate about?
I really, really need a job again. And insurance again. And the spare money to afford the testing my state requires for adult diagnosis before you can get treatment.