@Ghost psst: I find it best to just not reply at all when I've made the decision to bow out of a convo.
Don't give bait. Don't take bait.
@Ghost psst: I find it best to just not reply at all when I've made the decision to bow out of a convo.
Don't give bait. Don't take bait.
@saosmash said in Staff’s Job?:
I dunno. I recognize not wanting somebody who is overeager for "power" over other players in a staff position, but enthusiasm for the work is different from enthusiasm for the position. If you don't want to staff, though, for god's sake don't staff.
This. This is what I meant, @mietze , by feeling the point lay somewhere in the middle.
You want enthusiasm for the game, not for the position. It's not just 'hiring the right person' (which is very important, I wholeheartedly agree!), but also being aware of the right type of person as well.
How many times did (man I hate invoking her name, BUT) VASpider get hired for the enthusiasm for the work when she shouldn't have been due to her enthusiasm for the power? That's where, I think, Arkandel's reasoning factors in.
@Pandora said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice Spoken as an older sister with a younger sister that flat-out had a better life than I did, but still complains more than anyone I know - little sisters are just shitty people. They mean well, but they're horrid.
That is pretty much where my sister is at.
She is the baby of the family and the family was better off (financially) her whole life. She's been on cruises (3?), out of the country (two vacations to Mexico, one to Scotland). I got to go to Disney World twice (once when I was 4, once when I was 12).
She likes to tell people she's 'never been to Europe' because the Scotland trip was before she was a teenager (she was 9).
There's just sort of a whole slew of shitty behavior from her. And I know part of the Twitter thing is just how people lie on social media, but it doesn't stop the fact that it stings. The last time I saw her (grandmother's funeral), I made sure to spend a lot of time with her, despite the fact that she spend most of it parroting the shitty things our father likes to say about/to me (he's a very far-right conspiracy theorist conservative and since I'm well... NOT, apparently a lot of bullshit in the family about me and my more moderate and even progressive ways gets said to the family that she was more than happy to mockingly parrot to me).
@Arkandel said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
Is it okay to create couples out of characters who are canonically with other people? Can (adult) Peter Parker date Captain Marvel?
100% yes. Because even in-canon many of these characters dated a wide, broad spread of people. The issue you might sometimes run into is people preferring one pairing getting upset if they don't get it.
I'm a big fan, for example, of NightwingxZatanna (Young Justice ftw). I got to play this with someone on a game a few years ago. Now, Nightwing is KIND OF A MANHO and has been with a number of women over the years and the Starfire on that game was p. convinced from the day my friend made Nightwing (because he and I both like the YJ pairing!) that he was HERS.
This is where this can be a problem. People have their own OTPs. I have a friend who likes to play Green Arrow. On a game, he was already engaged in a relationship IC when someone apped in Black Canary and OTHER PLAYERS began trying to shove her at him, OOC.
Is it okay to change sexual orientations in any way?
I, personally, am not a fan of it. I feel for some of these characters, their sexuality is so baked in (is Tony Stark Tony Stark if he's not a playboy?) that it'd be weird. However, I'm not gonna harsh someone else's fun if they play it that way.
THAT SAID, if anyone else comes up to me and tries to force me to play a certain way? Fuck them. If I ever have someone come along and go 'Hey I really wish <character I'm playing> was <certain sexuality>' and starts pressuring me? They're in the wrong, full stop.
After any of this happens and a character changes hands is it okay to revert them to the defaults in the same game?
This is always up to the game. Some games expect continuity. The character has to stay the same player-to-player. Some do a clean slate. Some let the next player decide.
This is where people tend to get upset over gender-bending and sexuality changes. Because if continuity is required and someone picks up Superman, makes it Superwoman (without it being, say, the actual canonical Superwoman: just a legit genderbent Kal-El, Clara Kent or whatever they'd call her)... what if they walk away? Not a lot of people want to play that. Then you're out two characters because now the Lois-Lane-Superwoman can't be played (the 'Superwoman' name is already taken after all).
Ahem, I wrote a ton more after this, realized I went way off target, but getting back on it:
continuity needs to be fluid on comic games for a number of reasons. The above is one. It's always up to the game creator, but I think the best option is 'let the next player decide if they're gonna keep the current version or make their own.'
Oh, hey, I just put in a job application with them a couple days ago (one of my slew of job apps, mind. I just apply wherever/whatever has openings, LETSBEHONEST. ffs I applied with JUUL for a copywriting position last night).
@Roz said in The ethics of IC romance, TS, etc:
(I'm one of the people who thought it made more sense for Bobby Drake to discover his bisexuality rather than homosexuality
I agree but also because bi-erasure sucks so it was like woo! bi chara- oh nm it was just a way to transition him into being gay like yes it CAN be that for some people but it WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL to have another bi char in comics.
I went through some training shit for this new job I'm due to start soon-ish and they had this lovely section on how everyone in your life is a customer.
Your friends!
Your family!
...can you imagine?!
'Thank you for your feedback on dinner, Child. How can I serve you better next time?'
This is why society is falling apart.
(Aside: I really like how many games let me bullet-point my BG nowadays. This is pro. Keep doing this game runners. I can absolutely give you the sketched-out details. Grew up here. Parents were X and Y. Had # siblings. Did/did not go to college. ....)
Indians just aren't the same nowadays. You gotta get a pre-1953 model. Everything since is really just a knock-off marketing off the name. So it wouldn't be worth it to buy one anyway!
I thought punishments in CG were those systems where you can die in CG from a bad roll.
Ohhhh the potlucks.
When I worked at Verizon, my Indian teammate brought his whole family in for our potluck and his mother didn't get or just didn't care that we only had to bring a dish apiece.
She'd bring a whole spread and I loved it.
Wonder if it was the same lady I mentioned above.
She supposedly had inherited a ranch in AZ and had rescued over 40 dogs!
....but had no job and thus needed money/donations to support her and her kids and all the dogs.
@Quinn In this case, there is theory they are a known creeper, but that has also backfired in the past. (As in: people have assumed X person is known creeper and X person has not been at all.)
And I have to consider that, too: is the fact that this person has had other shady behavior and the theory that they're a creeper coloring my perception?
I do know I shared the poses that squicked me with a friend and they had an equally shudder-y sort of response. So I don't think so.
Next time I may just page the gal(s) being targeted in-scene and quietly ask. If they get mad, they get mad. I think I'd rather a reputation as someone cautious than not.
@Pandora said in RL things I love:
@jibberthehut said in RL things I love:
@Pandora I had to look those up. I sew, it just looks like it's fleece, slapped together like a french pillowcase edging. But the price, ouch. If you let me know your dimensions, I have fleece and can rip you off a few. The fleece has been sitting forever on my shelf and I'd rather see it used. Also, keep an eye on joanns for fleece, day after christmas sales, their no pill fleeces go on ridiculous cheap. Like 2 bucks a yard. And coupons through the year gets you 40 - 60 % off. You can even buy heavy duty hem tape and make a no sew one, with just your iron and the hem tape.
It's fleece with a sewn diamond pattern to keep the material from shifting, a waterproof bottom layer, and a layer of organic, absorbent bamboo to hold the piggie wee. I looked into making one myself, but I don't know where to source organic bamboo fibres on this bloody island, so GuineaDad gets (all) my money.
sounds like when I looked into making my own weighted blanket. And it was like okay, the...... materials aren't too bad, but when you factor in a sewing machine that can handle it (big enough working area to maneuver in) and the time involved in doing it, it's almost easier to just buy one.
@Alamias said in How to Approach (nor not) a Suspected Creep:
I'll be the first to admit that I played an IC Creep. He was built to be a sleazy 'Girls Gone Wild' porn producer type that would band anyone that let him, but that is not my RL personality at all. Maybe because I played him so over the top I never (to my knowledge) ever received any complaints OOCly about him, and people tended to deal with him ICly.
If this is IC creep on a character, then it should be dealt with IC, but maybe I am missing the point?
One can usually tell the difference. I've played male PCs who are 'playas' as it were. And tbh, it usually comes across in: being over-the-top flirty and 'Ladies, ladies, there's enough of me to go around' style attitude versus...
'You're the only one for me'
'Name blushes profusely as she looks his way'
The white knight, the overly romantic 'husband' material ........ who is somehow in a deeply committed relationship with multiple women at the same time.
Those are the creeps we usually see pop up.
Lonely Island's The Creep style of guys can actually be an amusing concept to see and observing it from an OOC scale, you can usually identify 'OK, this person is actively aware of what they're playing. Coo'.'
But the guy who seems to be collecting a harem of women meant to be latched onto him and him alone while he's juggling six of them? That's fucked up.
For the first time, Falcon Heavy landed all 3 boosters.
SpaceX can deploy a satellite and return all 3 boosters... in 10 minutes.
The future is pretty cool.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXMGu2d8c8g (the launch just finished, but they might still have some press / replay going rn)
@Tinuviel said in How to Approach (nor not) a Suspected Creep:
@Derp said in How to Approach (nor not) a Suspected Creep:
@Tinuviel said in How to Approach (nor not) a Suspected Creep:
ending sentences with a preposition.
...has been acceptable for generations and the prohibition against such was prescriptivist bullshit from people that wanted to make English sound more like Latin, so nyah.
Just because something is acceptable doesn't mean it's right.
I also don't care about prepositions, I just couldn't think of any other grammatical things that matter this early in the morning.
Motherfuckers who don't use apostrophes in their poses.
I see you asshole with your
'He isnt paying attention so he doesnt notice when they....'
@Sparks said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Thinking about this today while on the support chat with Verizon.
Online chat/RP with ADD:
- Read message.
- Start thinking about reply.
- Get distracted.
- Some random amount of time later... "Did I reply to that? Crap."
To quote a common Tumblr response, "I feel called out by this post."
"Well, I'll go flip to this article really quickly and read it while I wait. Oh, there's the timer, I better go change over my laundry. Hrm, while I'm down here, there's that box I meant to sort through, I should take that back upstairs, then maybe I'll go see if that person I wanted a scene with tonight is onl— gah, I was RP'ing! I hope they haven't been waiting too long for a pose!!"
This is one reason I'm glad for living alone and having my desktop (now that it's back in action!) in the central area of my apartment.
I may run around and do a dozen different things, but I'll always pass back by it and see Potato there on the left-hand screen. Because I am so much like this, too. I was once on the phone with a fellow MUer and I had it on speaker (dunno where my headset was at the time; I usually don't do that) and I kept wandering off mid conversation because something would distract me. I think I was standing on the sofa inspecting a curtain when he called me out for being a space cadet.
There is always, always some level of OOC involved.
This whole 'oh it's just IC, oh we can't let our OOC feelings get-'
You know what it smacks of?
'teehee that wasn't me being shitty that was my character'
'ha ha I didn't do that terrible, horrible thing you didn't like and specifically asked me not to, my character did.'
OOC always factors in to an extent. Always.
And if you are observing behavior in a scene and something about it is just wrong on some extent, then I think it is absolutely OK to acknowledge that and no one should be shamed for speaking up and saying so.
Because if that weren't the case then hey, why not start allowing games to do rape plots again? After all it's just IC, right?