@VulgarKitten said in The Shame Game:
@Arkandel You can get a reputation as a prude (shamed for it, even) for wanting to FTB on the TS, depending on the game/players on the game. Calling them morons doesn't make it less true, even though it's true they're morons. How is it different?
Or worse: you have a character who doesn't have sex for IC reasons. This was the case when I tried playing on Kushiel's Debut. My character was sister to the Cruarch and thus, her first born son would be the next... and not being Terre d'Ange meant that she didn't get the luck of not having kids until she prayed to a goddess (btw, loved the books, but always thought that was a bit silly).
In the time I was there, it became next to impossible to find RP. It's like people found out my char wouldn't be up for sexytiem, so I was just written off as someone to never RP with. Which sucked since, yo, Alban Diplomat. Should've been able to get in all kinds of plot and intrigue and politics, but noooo.