I crack myself up all the time but when you put me on the spot like this I can't think of anything 
I'll go with this incident report from Notion to ICly explain someone's ban from the game:
On stardate 452484.555 (like, four days ago), Cadet S'ra was given an assignment related to stabilizing our warp capable drive that we may maintain a max cruising speed for the duration of our flight.
For whatever reason, she went ahead and began conducted temperature testing in and around the impulse drive. Her methods, as reported by NCOs working in the area, were unorthodox and consisted of "a lot of crawling and laying on things" - as reported by Chief Petty Office Cromwell (Impulse Section I/C).
After Cadet S'ra had gone missing for 48 hours, I decided to ask Ursula (the ship's computer) for her location. Ursula reported Cadet S'ra was in the ventral impulse exhaust.
Security footage verified that, between shifts, Cadet S'ra had indeed snuck into ventral exhaust to "climb and lay on something". She apparently had not read the routine maintenance schedule I passed out to ALL CREW (it's only 50 pages long, people. honestly).
Long story short, we flush that exhaust pipe every 72 hours on a rotation.
The plus side is CPO Cromwell now knows what has been making that rattling and banging sound, and why impulse has smelt of a sulfurous odor.
There will be a memorial service for Cadet S'ra tomorrow at lunch (but it is no excuse to miss muster) where we will eject what's left of her bones into space.