Seems to be legit, from their website:
" In addition to a public history and a biographical history, advanced characters must also submit a role playing sample and are generally not approved without completed @nudities"

Posts made by Clarity
RE: CyberSphere Recruitment Drive
RE: MSB: The meta-discussion
@surreality said in MSB: The meta-discussion:
@Gingerlily said in MSB: The meta-discussion:
Maybe someday there will be a Mu* gaming and design discussion forum that has no place for or interest in bashing other people (whether they feel like that bashing is totally legit or not, that is not what I am focusing on here)
Apparently there is one. Someone passed along the advertisement for it the other day. It's new, so I didn't see any posts there when I signed up. is it.
There is also Optional Realities, where game devs, designers and players discuss different approaches:-
RE: Why do you play? (Or not.)
@Paris said in Why do you play? (Or not.):
I had quit MUSHing for a few years, but cancer was what ended bringing me back. I'm so glad you're in remission, and I hope I get as long.
Weirdly, how I heard about MUDs is I had gone to the library and searching for a book to read, and was in the comp science section and they had a book about MUDs and how to play them. So, I picked it up, and never looked back.
Even after 10 years, I still get a bit jumpy when I get sick, or something doesn't seem quite right. And when I get sick, it always seems to hit me hard. But I am very grateful to still be clear. My checks are only yearly now. So, crossing fingers that you'll be the same in ten years.
. -
RE: Why do you play? (Or not.)
@Paris said in Why do you play? (Or not.):
After I got diagnosed with stage 3c cancer, and given a few months to live, and especially when I started chemo, mushing and gaming became my escape. I might be in a wheelchair, I might be tired all the time, I might not be here next week, but fuck it, online I could be a healthy guy with nice hair and some snappy lines, you know? So I just started paging folks I thought were cool. I know that weirded some people out - who just pages you out of the blue? But I didn't have time to wait around and get noticed. I was gonna rp the hell out of the time I had left.
Good news on being in remission! Curiously, that is how I got into the whole RP mud thing too. I couldn't do much and I was stuck inside a lot, after having been diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. So, I started doing this, and then I started teaching myself how to code. It changed my life, and not in a bad way, in a good way, in that it made me think about all the shitty things I was doing with my life and put more focus on things I enjoy. I'm in remission and been there for over 10 years now.
RE: Why do you play? (Or not.)
I played primarily to be part of a collaborative story writing experience. I love the whole merging of stories and never knowing quite what the day will bring. I love all the feels, and unwrapping mysteries.
I enjoy being a part of a role-playing community of diverse players, some of whom I have known for over a decade and have grown close to over that time.
Because of personal circumstances it is difficult for me to get out and do things socially (single parent, of a son with autism with no family support), so there's a bit of escapism there too I am sure.
RE: How do you keep OOC lounges from becoming trash?
The good thing about channels and OOC lounges is that they are usually opt in. Those that don't like them can turn them off, or not use them. Those that do, can participate.
I kind of hate having anything spamming in amongst my RP, so if I have channels on, I always them directed to a different window.
RE: Hobby Glossary
Can you give me an example of code and IC reasoning that would be used or this? Like, are we talking a magic homing fireball from the other side of the game that can target someone? Arrows shooting from several rooms away?
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
No one ever reported him with anything more concrete than that?
RE: RL Anger
When a client reiterates over and over how urgent a job is and how it MUST be done by a certain date for a meeting the next day. So you work your ass off to do it in time for them, submit it to them a day early for review and final changes before launch. And then they're like, I'm too busy to review and check over it, I'll do it sometime next week and it turns out the deadline was made up.
RE: Hobby Glossary
@surreality said in Hobby Glossary:
@Clarity PK from a distance. Usually done through +jobs/rolls with staff, with no warning or chance to prepare defense. Think of a sniper with magical curse or fireball or 'just randomly teleport you to the bottom of the Marianas Trench', more or less.
This is one of those things where sometimes you log in to find you're now dead IC.
Ahh, we don't often see instances of that happen on RPIs, at least not by staff. Some games allow for offline pkills by players, but it's usually once all other IC avenues have been exhausted first.
RE: What do you play most?
@Arkandel said in What do you play most?:
To be entirely honest here I have been playing the most what most people have been playing the most.
WoD for me was a derived preference. I like well populated, active games, and those have historically been the ones to match the description.
I'm an off peak player so I kind of need to gravitate towards games that are well populated just out of necessity, as they tend to be the ones that are more likely to have people around in my time zone. So the code base used isn't usually one selected out of preference.
In saying that, I tend to prefer fantasy, historical, or modern fantasy previously. Though I'd love to play a good sci fi, or post apoc.
RE: Hobby Glossary
Not heard the term telenuke before. Is it like a pwipe?
RE: Names
Which means that it is likely that the names reflect real life rather than is a special roleplay or Arx thing.
RE: Names
The interesting question would be, do females names RL also have that tendency?
RE: Full spoilers: Iron Fist
Overall do you think it was worth watching?
RE: Hobby Glossary
Weirdly, I didn't hear the mav shorthand till I played Arx, we just used to use 'mischan'.
RE: RL Anger
@Thenomain Have had this happen, many, many times. And then they complain about their bounce and conversion rates not being that great. I now have the luxury with being a bit more selective with my clients, and try to weed out some of those ahead of time.
RE: RL Anger
@WTFE Very, very true. My clients ask me to do all kinds of fucked up stuff, and while you can try guide them towards something more suitable, most of the time, they won't go for it, unfortunately. The worst I've had, is a client asking me to zoom out of a photograph they'd provided me with, so you could see more of the cushions.
RE: Silly-ish Poll
@Auspice I've had people say similar that the dump stat is the one you put the points into, though for me it has always been the one you put the least points in.
RE: Dead Celebrities: 2017 Edition
Murray Ball died 11th March, 2017
Iconic New Zealand creator of Footrot Flats