One thing I would really like to see as 'core' to the idea of territory would be capping certain social merits like 'resources' and 'retainers' and 'allies' and 'contacts' and allowing specific territories to give you +1s or +2s to the cap. So having territories wouldn't -give- you free stuff; it would allow you to buy it.
This could even apply to magical things. For example, you can't do top-tier magic without controlling a magical nexus territory that you can channel from.
Another idea is the idea of 'Primary' and 'Secondary' Beneficiaries of territory. Only one person could get 'top tier' benefits from a territory, while their group could get secondary. You'd put your ritualist in charge of the magical nexus, your social butterfly in charge of another, your fighter in charge of one that gives a discount to fighting-stuff.