The only concept I've had so far is...
Ripping off the Strike Team from The Shield and making a wolfblood detective.
Because The Shield kicked ass.
The only concept I've had so far is...
Ripping off the Strike Team from The Shield and making a wolfblood detective.
Because The Shield kicked ass.
Lottery is good, so is first come first serve. The main problem I can foresee is people squatting on slots they don't actively play, but that's a problem with any cap system. It's a bridge to cross when you get there.
I might buy Don't Starve together next month. This month I'm overbudget on game spends.
The multiplayer games I currently have installed (that don't absolutely suck) are:
Age of Wonders 3
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Counterstrike (GO and Source)
Crusader Kings 2
Dying Light
Endless Legend
The Escapists
Europa Universalis 4
Grim Dawn
Civilization: BE
Town of Salem
I added everyone who posted here, dunno who added me back. But I'm always game for anything. I even bought Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel to play with people. Its' just not downloaded yet.
It's a shame they won't let anyone else make a WoT TV series.
It would be like GoT only with less incest and more spankings.
We should set up a WORA/Whatever Steam-group.
Also I don't see a Thenomain when I did a search on Steam.
It might be easier for you to add me, since I looked up the name Jay and found 72,000 people!
My steam name is Admiral Fishman.
I don't know of any others on Steam so odds are it's me.
I have a bajillion games on Steam and a good hundred or so Steam friends. The problem is all my friends on Steam are 'single game' types who play Dota 2 or Counterstrike exclusively, so I never get to share the fun of multiplayer in other games with them. I'm looking for folks who play a wide variety (or just other) games for multiplayer shenanigans.
If I don't already own a game I'd probably be willing to buy it. If it's cheap enough I'd probably be willing to buy it for someone else as well.
So hit me up.
Peeve: Refrigerator Hogging
I share a mini-fridge at work with my co-workers. One person has -three- full sized bottles of salad dressing and two full-sized containers of their 'special low-fat coffee creamer that is just for them' in it. On top of what they bring to work with them.
A few months back, their salad dressing squirted all down the side of the drink holder and made it so nobody could use it for ages. (Because nobody cleaned it. And I'll be damned if I clean up someone else's mess in the fridge.)
Look. You're a fat old woman. You have no need for salad dressing when you eat nothing but deep fried foods. You brought -one- salad to work in the past month. Take your shit home.
One thing that I thought HM did well was to open as Mortal-only before they rolled out the supernatural spheres.
I think you guys discussed something earlier in the thread about it, but do you guys have any plans for something like that? Or any kind of 'soft' open?
@Olsson said:
Finding a place to live, which of course differs from city to city. But damn, am having no progress.
I just want an apartment that I can fit a computer and bed into.
When I have money and things, I can always find a place to live even though I don't need one.
When I have no money and no things, I can never find a place to live. What you need to do is stop needing a place to live. Then you'll be able to find one.
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! And then live in them.
@ThatOneDude said:
@Admiral Right, but I use the show(s) to reference not just the "powers" the characters have, but, the whole theme of relics found to do X, book to do X, ect ect. Rituals and all the things lead to ways of providing plot hooks and the like.
I'm fine with relics and artifacts and funky stuff. I just prefer the characters themselves to have no innate magic powers.
@ThatOneDude said:
@Admiral Or, a TV show like Supernatural/Constantine/Sleepy Hollow/ect which, in my mind is kinda cool. Rituals, artifacts, and all kinds of interesting plot hooks.
Eh... Supernatural is at its weakest when the main characters have powers. Sam having psychic powers was totally groanworthy. What was more interesting was the psychic villains they faced, to be honest.
Sleepy Hollow's two main characters have no powers, and the 'protagonist' characters that do have powers are generally derided as the weakest/most annoying characters on the show. I'm looking at you, Katrina.
Constantine is the exception here, and I think it's a fantastic show. I just don't see the 'hedge mages solving problems' thing as working well without a custom gutter magic system.
@Glitch said:
I like the idea of at least GMC mortal+ content. It adds a little bit of that edge against the darkness and I personally prefer playing something other than a straight mortal.
My only problem with that it starts feeling like a superhero game then. Psychics against monsters.
@Ganymede said:
After discussing with Bennie, I'm leaning towards Mortals, period. Maybe we'll start with Mortal+ powers, maybe not. Maybe we'll start with Endowments or Gutter Magic, maybe not. Haven't really thought all the way through; I'm occupied with coming up with system and proposed code to handle property and resource management.
Leave off the +. Start with Mortals. It's easier to add crunch to your game than to take it away. If you'd like help with anything let me know. I'm interested in seeing a Mortal game get off the ground.
@BetterJudgment said:
Earlier this week, I had a college student who, three weeks into the course, still does not have the textbook...
All through my first two years of college I didn't buy the books at all. I paid attention in class and listened to the teacher and when I had to do required reading I just winged it as best I could when the test came around.
I did this because I was flat broke and used my pell grant money to buy food and live on. It can be done, and well, though my grades stayed in the B-range rather than the A-range because of it. So I can understand students not buying books.
Students not buying books and then expecting special treatment, however, is another thing entirely.
It's only impossible to get a 4.0 GPA if your teachers are asshats and use bullshit grading systems that make perfect scores impossible.
And if they do that? Report their asses.
I would love to see a down and dirty street level Hunter game. Put it in a large, corrupt fictional city with rampant crime that is run by supernaturals from behind the curtains. Vampires control the city council, werewolves have some street gangs, Changelings are in organized crime.
The whole city is going to shit and it's up to the PC Hunters to clear it out, block by block. Start them out with only a tiny little safe haven (A dive bar, obviously) and let them work towards something bigger and better.
You can even keep it at the Compact level until things grow and Conspiracies move in. Night Watch and The Union would fit this kind of chronicle perfectly.
Worst case scenario, the game starts to fizzle and you can open the supernatural spheres up and be another City by Night game.
Some games don't work well in multisphere.
Promethean, Demon, Mage, all are horribly broken and don't play well with others.
Some, like Hunter, also work better in single-sphere but for different reasons.
Hunter-only would be a very fun game.
If I were to have any kind of XP transfer between characters it would be a percentage solely for players whose characters died on grid and thus reinforced the world as a dangerous place.