I had the chance to play a villain on a game 100 years ago - so long I neither remember the name nor the theme of the game - but what I loved about it was that the PC heroes who were trying to stop me played WITH me in the whole thing. My PC was trying to terrorise this female character into realising he was right and she was wrong to even oppose him - standard villain stuff - and it was awesome. The player and I had OOC conversations about how to tell the story in the way that would make the greatest impact for everyone, but especially the other heroes in the tale. So, my PC was awful to her.
And then it came time for the heroes to finally dispatch my PC, she and I collaborated OOCly about how to tell the best story for everyone involved, and it was my truest pleasure for my PC to meet his end at her hands.
I have no problems with antagonists/villains/etc being mean and cruel ICly, and welcome the chance to work with them OOCly to make it the best story. And I think anyone who would play a villain should be able to say and do the same.
People who lie to me OOCly, though... they can go screw right off.