@surreality @faraday @gryphter
The thing is, all the things listed that make it special, that make it separate, have been replicated individually elsewhere. Now, I know that these things have not been replicated wholly, but there's really nothing stopping people. It's why I am concerned that the medium might be all-but-obsolete, and I may just be being a thirty year old boomer.

I still play Doom, albeit through the "updated" Brutal Doom and its variants, because I'm old fashioned like that. I try to sell the youngins in my fraternity on Doom and Brutal Doom, but they just aren't captivated. They tell me things like, "Man, what the fuck is up with this pixel shit?" or "Hey, this reminds me of Halo." I realize that this is turning into a bit of a tangent, but I guess my point is, I think it's worth actively considering that I -- we -- might simply be out of touch. I'm actually of the view that the old ways are "up for review," so to speak, and a failure to draw in new blood will amount to a determination of it actually just being the AM radio of the Internet. Something that persists, but only because of older users who refuse to update their habits.
I'm legitimately not of the view that the old ways are fine as-is. If they were, people would be coming in droves, since roleplaying games are all the rage these days. They're normal now! And yet nobody wants to play on these command line games. So I'm trying to think up some way to make it so that people, when they hear about these new features that you really can't replicate on a website or whatever, go, "Whoah, dude, that's awesome, where do I click to find out about that?"
The problem with what I'm suggesting here is that the old fogies from the beforetime (that's the people on this site, frankly) might see these new twists and turns and go:

"Nigga what the fuck? Are you retarded or some shit? Fuck outta here with this newfag trash."
I mean, it would follow that this would happen, since updating 30 or so years of accumulated culture entails actively rejecting parts of it, and I don't mean for political reasons, either. Like maybe this conception of "applications," or whatever else people hold dear, just needs to go to be replaced by a system that keeps stupid shit from getting out of hand.