@Bananerz, I appreciate your generosity and kindness. Thank you. Arx has always turned me off before, but you're making me seriously consider it now...

Posts made by egg
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@krmbm No, the thing itself isn't a problem. I just get bummed when the only way to find RP is to hustle in some way...if you are a more of a pantser than a plotter, as I am, you might not have an idea until specific characters are thrown together in a specific setting.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Bananerz Fair question!
Really Basic RP: Bar RP, social RP, etc.: Low expectations, a chance for further development, meeting new people in a casual setting, etc.
Somewhat-Less-Basic-RP: Meeting in a faction location, or in some other group that your character naturally is tied into, and getting into faction/group RP. Sometimes social, sometimes not.
Generally-Almost-Impossible-RP-To-Get-Into-On-Most-Games-Without-An-In-Of-Some-Kind: Intricate plot involvement, where your character is/becomes an essential piece in the story, and so are all the other characters involved.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Arkandel I guess part of my point is, OOC connections used to be less vital for getting RP. RP was more likely to Just Happen. I've become a bit like the people who claim they could just get a job in the olden days by walking into a company and handing a paper resume to the receptionist, whereas now they'd need to network like crazy
But yeah, people do boast a lot. People also obsess over their own characters, to the detriment of story. This has always been true.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@krmbm So what you're saying is that I should bring ground up children to the table, in the form of hamburgers? You may be onto something...
That's a fair point you make. Though I'd also point out, the very fact that I would have to dangle something enticing on an RP Requests channel to even get RP is some of my problem with the state of the games...
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Three-Eyed-Crow Interesting. My stereotype of Arx is that it's some golden paradise for available RP, which is why every game I'm on loses players to Arx...but if it's not even true there, that's pretty sad.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@juke Not everyone has the luxury of a decades-long RP superfriends group. Hell, I started RPing in the nineties too, but I took some years off. As we all know, it's hard to make friends as an adult. Even online. You don't have the same loyalty to new friends that you do with your ancient friend who apped in their Giovanni with your first Tremere back in 1997 or whatever.
I mean, sure, yeah, I guess some people are just jerks. Maybe I'm a jerk. Probably. But more often than not, it's probably tribalism at work. Tribalism is going to kill this hobby, or at least make it a lot less interesting.
Events are great, of course. If people can remain open to the idea of playing with someone they don't know well, they're golden for that. Sadly, many people don't seem to be.
If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
(I'm not putting this in the Hog Pit because I don't want it to devolve into that level of gripe, but this is a mild gripe. If you think it's better off in the Hog Pit or something, feel free to move it.)
When did it become so hard to find basic RP? Why does it take such work these days? I guess this might not be true on some large game I don't play on (Arx or something), but it's true on most of the small-to-medium-sized games I've played on over the last few years.
If I want to find RP on most games, I have to Hustle(tm): get to know people OOCly, maybe fake a few lifelong friendships, pretend our characters have stuff in common, and then maybe pencil in a date on the third Tuesday of the month at some obscure time to throw a few words together. (Note: unlike a lot of people, I don't always "app in" with my friends. Apping in with one's friends tends to render this problem null and void, but must I do everything in a group?)
Is this just me getting old or cranky, or is there some legitimate pattern here I'm picking up on? Have RPers become less spontaneous and more specific about who or what they will RP?
RE: Historical MUSHes
I think I am just going to have to agree to disagree with y'all about Horror. And that's fine. This isn't the Hog Pit.
RE: Historical MUSHes
@Goldfish That being said, Horror isn't exactly the most historically accurate game out there and I don't think they particular care if it is.
RE: Historical MUSHes
I would love to see a historical MUSH set in a non-American/European setting. My fantasy is to create a game set in 1930s Shanghai (an incredible multi-national destination filled with intrigue! Spies! And great fashion!), but I lack the coding skills, and probably the patience...
RE: When To Stop Listening To Those Voices
@Cupcake Oh yeah, that's me on every game. If you do find a solution, I hope you'll let me know. Lol.
RE: What drew you to MU*?
@cobaltasaurus "Hey, where are the mobs?!" Yes, can relate.
RE: What drew you to MU*?
I loved the tabletop game I was in running Changeling: The Dreaming so much (this was 1997) that I thought, "Hey, I wonder if they make MUDs, but, like, for roleplaying? Then I could play Changeling whenever the hell I want, and I don't have to wait for my lazy friend to run his game." It turns out they DID make roleplaying MUDs! I liked RP MU*s so much, I wrote a college paper about them at a time when such things were pretty unusual.
RE: A Shout Into the Deep Dark Void
Welcome back. I liked some of those games quite a lot, even if yeah, we were all crazy back then.
Hiatuses are never easy. I wish you much luck in your return to the fold!
RE: Active Games
I would also love to find some non-dead games that aren't Arx.
RE: egg's Semi-Playlist
@killer-klown Hi! Yeah I actually barely remember who I played anywhere. Some of your character names sound familiar! Who/what was Blaine@Paris?
RE: egg's Semi-Playlist
@sunny Hello! Do you feel like sharing who you played anywhere? I can do the same, I just didn't feel like listing it all there like a chump. Or feel free to PM me. Or not!
egg's Semi-Playlist
I prefer to list games I play/have played on and not the PC names in the interest of maintaining a shred of privacy/dignity, but I'm always interested in reminiscing/connecting with players on these games, so say hi if ya want.
I'm sure I'm forgetting plenty.
Dark Wine and Roses
Due Rewards
Persistance of Memory
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Paris: Le Fleur du Mal
Ashes to Ashes
Hogwarts Express
Metro: Toronto by NightTook an enormous break. Missed out on Haunted Memories, The Reach et al.
Since 2015:
City of Hope
New Prospect (both versions)
Fear & Loathing
Fate's Harvest -
RE: San Francisco: Paris of the West
@lithium Sure, I get it, it all makes sense, sound reasoning, etc. etc. No one's arguing that. Sadly, I don't have ideas for characters in the open spheres. Changeling and Mage are popular for a reason. I'm not faulting staff for anything in particular, just expressing a bit of personal disappointment.