@ixokai Actually, I was making a character (was in the middle of chargen) and did not make it in before it was marked full. I put myself in for a +job that slowed down my app, and missed the deadline. Gabriel was very nice about it and assured me I'd get to move forward...eventually, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm still sitting in chargen with no character.

Posts made by egg
RE: San Francisco: Paris of the West
RE: General Video Game Thread
@insomnia Belatedly, this game is prolly my 2018 Game of the Year. I mean, I'm just some schmuck, but its mind-boggling number of story-changing choices is something that hasn't been explored so deeply in any other game.
Is there a classic/20th WoD game out there with an open Mage sphere...
(...that isn't City of Hope?)
I ask because I've checked out a few that are all completely full up for Mage. Maybe there are some that aren't?
RE: Umbral Shards - Alpha
@krmbm Was that the all-Wraith game that took place in the Umbra? It was, wasn’t it? That game was rad.
RE: Desc Me LA?
If you still need help, I would help you desc the whole Westside.
RE: Are there any active sci-fi MU*s these days?
@Seraphim73 Oh, very cool. I haven't played d20 in YEARS (and years and years) but I'm at least no stranger to it. Very nice that people are willing to build +sheets on there. I am not the most mechanics-y player around, so that's something in favor of that game.
RE: Are there any active sci-fi MU*s these days?
@faraday Nifty. About how many folks play on a daily basis?
More war-themed is probably not my first choice, but not necessarily a turnoff, either. Active players who don't suck and staff who care are more important. -
RE: Are there any active sci-fi MU*s these days?
@Three-Eyed-Crow I like SW as much as the rest of the populace, but have heard that the RPG systems used on these games tends to be difficult to learn...you or anyone else have experience with them?
RE: Are there any active sci-fi MU*s these days?
@Ganymede Thank you. Any idea how accessible the game is if you are not super familiar with BSG? One can always learn, of course.
Are there any active sci-fi MU*s these days?
Hi! My first post.
I'm looking for an ACTIVE sci-fi mu*. One set in space, or with the potential for space travel, would be ideal.
By active I mean: steady playerbase of at least 10 people and staff that cares (and interacts, preferably).
I am not picky about the universe (original ones would be fine too), though a super-complex RPG system is probably not for me.
Thanks for any help you can give!