@surreality Love West Chester, though it reminds me of famous son Bam Margera. Ha.

Posts made by egg
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Sunny I wish I had been that smart on the new games I recently started playing on. However, this goes back to the "finding RP is hard work" complaint that had me starting this thread in the first place...
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
2020 Update: Trying to find RP is still extremely difficult and time-consuming!
The end.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Derp Man, people are beating this game so fast! I got it on release day and I'm still only about halfway through. Is it absurd to be worried about spoilers for a game I have played countless times since 1998? Lol.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Ganymede I coulda sworn that entire third disc was the climax...
RE: General Video Game Thread
Let me just say that I do like FF7 and I respect that it is a ground-breaking game. It deserves all of the props it gets, no doubt. In my opinion, Square Enix's zenith games are FF 6, 7, and 8.
I think we're in agreement on this one! (I also really like 9 and 10, though they're not as genre-defining.)
But that ending, ffs.
OMG, what?! I love the ending! Bombastic ambiguity at its best, something FF (and especially FF7) does really well.
Compare said ambiguous ending with the preachy heroic ending of FFX (a game I like!), an ending that left no room for interpretation at all. No, I always loved that FF7's ending left so much open to the player's imagination.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Ghost I think there will be changes, because they've already said they are adding stuff. But! The gameplay demo still feels like FF7 -- moreso than anything in the Compilation before it, IMHO. I don't think it makes much sense for Tifa to die (Aerith dying is pretty fundamental, IMHO), but people have already pointed out the black-smoke things in the remake trailer that are in the Compilation, but not really in the original game...
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Sparks I personally think FF7 is more popular than FF6 for a reason, and only has a little bit to do with "advanced" graphics or whatever: FF7 is more unique, especially setting-wise and tonally, and especially for the time, in the JRPG arena than FF6. It's that uniqueness that brought non-JRPG fans into the fold.
Sure, FF6 might have better characters, a better story, even better gasp music (I don't believe any of these things are true, btw, but it's what FF6 fans always say!) -- but I don't think it puts these things together in a way that can draw 20+ years of fervor, and it probably never will.
"Terra's Theme" is great, though. I'll give you that. (My fave FF7 track is probably "Anxious Heart.")
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Tempest Oh yeah, they'll probably do something dumb...but that gameplay demo got me legit excited. So far, they seem to be fucking it up less than I thought they might.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Admiral I suggest playing it in Japanese to help with that...though yeah, it sucks and I don't give Squenix any passes for it.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I am incredibly excited about the FF7 remake, despite all of the sour grapes FFVI fanboys and girls who come out of the woodwork every time a new thing related to FF7 comes along...something something opera...something something Kefka...you know, FF7 has musical themes for every playable character, too.
Anyway, as a huge fan for 20+ years I never thought this thing would actually become reality, and now I can't stop thinking about it. Makes me wish there was an active Final Fantasy mu* around...
RE: Demon: the Fallen
@Jennkryst ...then the original wiz shut theirs down again, and someone else reopened their reopened version, wherein it becomes such a rabbit hole that my brain just shuts down.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Tinuviel I'm used to it. Doesn't mean I have to like it...
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Tinuviel Ah! You used the 'p' word -- but see, that's what I miss.That's exactly what's been bothering me. The lack of play. Everything is on the timetable now, just like the rest of our lives -- I guess I get sick of it.
I do get what everyone's saying here, and like I said before, I'm also a grownup with a job/life/etc., but having to work to play is exactly why I made this post...
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@SG As a person who plays "brooding strangers" and 'quirky' characters almost exclusively, I 100% agree with you that the onus is on the broody/quirky person to create RP in a public scene. But, I don't necessarily agree with the notion that I should have some idea what I'm doing before I even attempt to engage with someone. I'm a big fan of "let's put these hamsters in a bag with a mouse and see what happens." Or some other variant on that very strange choice of metaphor.
TL;DR: Yes, anyone playing an introvert needs to attempt to interact with others in a scene, or you may as well disconnect and go work on your novel. But I want my RP to feel spontaneous.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@insomniac7809 Oh, I'm well aware 'cuz I was one of them, too.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@faraday There's no guarantee you won't get several of those undesirable things even if someone asks, "Anybody want to RP?" Even if you triple-check someone's wiki and come to the conclusion that you might have a decent time with them, you could still end up having an undesirable experience. I guess I'm just bummed that people curate their RP sooooooo carefully these days, but that's the changing nature of the internet in general. It's just as true on social media. I get it. We're all busy. Everyone is tucked away in a niche. I don't want shitty RP, either. But I do miss the spontaneous aspect of the hobby. (By the way, I am also a working adult with an alleged life, just like everyone else in the hobby.)