Let's not start this again, please.
Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Auspice said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
I didn't understand them until I was staff and the light-bulb went off.
I should probably explain RfK's system for those who didn't play on it. You requested beats every week based on your activity. After every scene, or whenever, you make a claim for a 'type' of beat, be it social scenes, in furtherance of aspirations, etc. And at the end of the week, Shav would review the requests and award the beats. There was a cap as to how many of each kind you could get every week.
When you start to hit certain benchmarks, such as 250, the number of beats necessary to get an XP went up. This meant that PCs with more XP would have to go out and play more in order to claim beats and match the XP growth of newer PCs. I recall that the benchmarks were basically every 250 beats. So if you had 1,000 beats, it cost 9 beats to get 1 XP, whereas it cost only 5 beats if your XP was less than or equal to 250.
As far as I could tell, the system worked. New PCs could get close to the older PCs, but older PCs could keep ahead if they were more active. That pushed the older PCs to get out and RP more often, which is sometimes not the case on other games. It was a stroke of genius, in my opinion, but the system required a lot of staff maintenance to run.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Things I really don't care about: leaked game plots.
RE: RL things I love
I think I'm the youngest person at my firm.
I'm 38.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
I concur. Some choice is nice, but not necessary. I played around with the idea, and made three other races for my own system (elves, dwarves, wildlings).
RE: General Video Game Thread
That feels almost like cheating, but I'll think about adding the mods. I want to get the feel for the game first, yeah? Before I start cheating.
RE: RL Anger
@thenomain said in RL Anger:
I...just realized that our public services are Socialism.
Yeah. I mean, seriously, how dare they sneak that in?
It's not like it's in The Wealth of Nations or anything either, that socialist stuff.
(Hint: It is. Peasants.)
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Coin said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
Man, I gotta say, I side with @Herja here, pretty hard.
I concur.
I think the question then becomes "how do we make players care?" I think the easiest way is to have game mechanics to reward players for engaging; it's a little harder on games that do not have symbolic shinies. That said, it's really nifty to play on a game where the "leader" is someone who is facilitating RP, giving PCs something to do with their existences, and actively trying to make every players' experience on the game better.
That's how I get invested in games, to be honest.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
You made it that far?
Final Fantasy 13 made me stop playing Final Fantasy games for almost a decade.
RE: Random links
@arkandel said in Random links:
What's even more interesting in this case is that this is Netflix we're talking about. There's no price differential here - both critically acclaimed and guilty-pleasure stuff are a click away, already paid for... yet people still chose the latter.
I liked Bright. I think critics need to shut the fuck up most of the time.
Things can be critically-acclaimed and guilty pleasures. Daredevil shamefully did not get the attention it should have, and I am pissed off that The Punisher got nothing while Stranger Things Season 2 got recognition.
(I liked ST s2 a lot, but The Punisher was brilliant in the same way that The Wire was, and notably had an impressive number of women writing and directing episodes for what is ostensibly a man's revenge-fantasy character.)
No doubt, critics will have a mouthful about The Witcher when Netflix releases it, but I am comfortable and confident that it will be one of those critically-acclaimed / guilty pleasure things for me.
RE: Theme feedback
@Mr-Johnson said in Theme feedback:
I know there's got to be some way to make the place work, I'm just looking to the mushing community to see if people have ideas.
I wish I had more of a response for you. Maybe narrowing down the sorts of PCs? Like, pick a -verse to work with -- like the Batman-verse, for example -- and stick with it. That might make it easier for players to figure out connections in game.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
13 was terrible. I hated every moment of it. I made it about 2 hours in, and didn't care to pick it up again.
I didn't touch the other parts of the series.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I'm not a praying robot, and do not necessarily believe in God, but for what it is worth I shall pray for the child. Mine were in NICU for a month, so I can only imagine what 8 months must have been like.
No child should have to go through that.
RE: Avatar / Korra game considerations
@GreenFlashlight said in Avatar / Korra game considerations:
Savage Worlds seems like it could handle bending pretty well.
The elements + spirit sounds like L5R to me.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@GreenFlashlight said in General Video Game Thread:
I wonder if I'll ever stop thinking that's Ellen Page.
Thankfully, they altered her enough that she starts looking like the voice actress.
RE: The Basketball Thread
@buttercup said in The Basketball Thread:
No idea what to do in Cleveland for a day.
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Canton's not too far away, so you could try the Football Hall of Fame.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@ZombieGenesis said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
The system doesn't imply that you can force another character to sleep with your character but the implication is that your character could turn another character on and the other player would RP accordingly(however that may be; with anger, shame, by reciprocating, etc).
Some games expressly point out that this is the case, yet players like to keep on twisting it to get their thang on. It's not a knock on the system directly; it's a knock on the fact that such systems often attract a certain kind of player that other players would rather avoid.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I think the question we are all wondering is:
i can has cheezburger?
RE: Welcome to the Euphoria!
@Ominous said in Welcome to the Euphoria!:
Corporations are started by someone with an idea and investors. As it grows and employees join the company, they gain stock. When the investors and the owner want out, they can sell their shares to the employees and it becomes an employee owned business, like Publix.
Let's talk about this stuff elsewhere, please.
But also, like, this is what corporations were supposed to be back in the day but trust humanity to fuck it all up.