If this isn’t a common problem, see a doctor. It sounds like your new shoes have hard and flat soles. May want to get inserts or liners.

Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
RE: City of Shadows
@faraday said in City of Shadows:
Well umm... some of us in some of our systems do?
WoD did. They did away with that when they shifted stat development from an exponential spending system to a linear one. I've already exhausted the conversation regarding why that was a stupid idea.
And here we are.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My mother, who after her weight loss surgery still weighs more than I do, is still trying to convince me that I should get weight loss surgery.
My mother, a fierce Chinese woman of 5 feet and 100 pounds, is more than happy to tell me how much weight I need to lose every damn time we meet. And then she makes dinner for my family that includes macaroni and cheese and other stuff that is very much not conducive to weight loss.
I love her to bits.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It is, however, very frightening to think we might have someone in this community who might, in fact, go out and commit necrophilia for the express purpose of harassing someone they did not like on a game, and if it sounds like that may have been the case, yeah, I'm going to want to know about that immediately.
To be fair to anyone who thinks that your interpretation is a bit bizarre, I'll be the first to say that early incarnations of this place did have posters that conceivably may have violated a corpse to make material to post up there.
RE: A fully OC supers MU
@surreality said in A fully OC supers MU:
Fast, Cheap, Good: Pick a maximum of two.
It's like the options at the local brothel.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@Testament said in General Video Game Thread:
The controls feel kind of loose, though that's said after literally only 45 minutes of playing yesterday morning before work. And combat seems odd. Not bad so far, but odd. And challenging.
You can tactically pause the game to target particular enemies, if you're using ranged combat; however, I have not tried that because I went with a Battle Mage loadout* (and am loving it). Combat can be very challenging against the Guardians; it's not as punitive as Dark Souls or combo-driven like The Witcher. Where the game shines is in its social interactions, story line, and gorgeous environments..
- -- You go full-on cleric. Take a mage and focus on bumping your Stasis tree with skill points until you get Shield of the Enlightened and Magic Healing,maxing out both; then bump your heavy-weapons track; then take Storm and Fury after. Meanwhile, raise your Strength and Endurance attributes. And, given my play style, I stuck points into my Vigor talent, then into Charisma, and then into Intuition.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@faraday said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
I have nothing against folks who want a RPG/simulator with an equipment list. To each their own fun! But I disagree with the notion that these things are in some way essential to the RP experience.
Unfortunately, the Star Wars RPGs are pretty stat extensive. A corollary would be a D&D game with elves and dwarves and gnomes, but without the actual RPG, or a RP-intensive Battletech game, or a Final Fantasy game with no equipment or magic. Or Vampire: the Masquerade without stats.
Some settings have become tied over time to a system to the point where players expect certain system support.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Homeworld is on the best RTS games I have ever played. It has an interesting storyline and was revolutionary for its time. RTS in space means 3D attacks, so there is incredible pwnage when you grease people by hyper jumping above them.
Chimera Squad is an XCOM spin-off set a few years after XCOM2. You play a squad of cops in a city of humans and aliens. It looks pretty nifty as a strategy game.
As for me, I played Kingdom Hearts 3 for about 30 minutes and wanted to kill myself. How anyone liked that game, I will never know. Good lord.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Oh, this was extra special. They just wanted to keep living here rent-free while getting ready to put a mortgage on a place, and hadn't found one they liked yet. Not that they were spending much time looking.
Yeah. Not like the rest of us, who have to save up for a mortgage while making all other payments in life.
No, seriously, you're a bad person for letting a couple of ingrates occupy your living space for, what, a year?
For shame.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Carex said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
If you make the investment for entry low and reward players even if they die, it might go a long way to retaining players.
This is probably true.
People kept playing, they kept trying to succeed even though they died in what was a completely unfair market because the barrier to entry was so low.
This is not. There is a reason that Dark Metal eventually shut down: because the market was unfair, and better products came out. Unsurprisingly, those better products leaned towards evening out the unfair market.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Well, if you are okay with shooters, there’s the Uncharted series and The Last of Us.
RE: Cupcake Dream Project - Feedback Wanted.
I think this is a great idea. I'd contribute to it.
RE: Accessibility in gaming
@JinShei said in Accessibility in gaming:
@Ganymede move me again? Forgive me my error, for I have sinned
RE: General Video Game Thread
Honestly, I prefer the controller and have never gotten carpal tunnel pains from it despite, what, 35+ years of gaming?
Except playing Street Fighter II, but those were thumb-pad calluses.
RE: The Basketball Thread
@arkandel said in The Basketball Thread:
Having said all that, if you asked me who the GOAT is, I want to strongly consider Kareem as well.
I hate that question. Who's the greatest of all time? As if the game doesn't change over time.
Basketball has evolved. You can't compare Russell to Bird, or Bird to Ginobili. Russell would straight-up fuck Bird's shit up, and Bird would ass-kick Ginobili. But tone down the physicality, or heavily-penalize it, and Shaq rocks Chamberlain and Bryant dances around Thomas.
But if I had to pick, Kareem's a top contender. When you have a sport change their rules to make sure others have a sporting chance against you, chances are you're pretty damned good. If you do it the other way around, you're a puffball (I'm looking at you Brady-baby; you still lost twice against little Manning when it mattered the most).
And then there's someone like Wayne Gretzky who is just indescribably better than everyone around him, and anyone who tells you any differently is just dead wrong, sorry Penguins fans.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Auspice said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
The two issues I had with asps:
people who would set a long-term to something utterly unachievable. ('Get the Nobel Peace Prize') and when I would try to explain no, that's not what a long-term is, they'd have a pissy fit and then I'd shrug and be like 'your funeral' and later they'd come back and have a fit because 'omggggg why is everyone else getting long-term asps and I'm nooooooot'. Well buddy I tried to help you.'
See previous comments about not catering to very stupid people, and how very stupid people do not make a system broken or undesirable because stupid is as stupid does, Lt. Dan.
And I always felt like there should maybe be a cap on how many you could earn in a week.
Hence, RfK's policy, where you could only get a certain number of beats every cycle for a particular kind of activity, including meeting or fulfilling short- and long-term aspirations.