Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: Good TV
@WildBaboons said in Good TV:
I was really hoping for Byron Mann after seeing him in Wu Assassin
Everyone hopes for Byron Mann after seeing him in Wu Assassin.
Unfortunately, you're more likely to get Ken Jeong.
RE: Internet Attacks? Why?
@surreality said in Internet Attacks? Why?:
Then why continue to go on at me at length for saying I think it's fucked up and that something is clearly broken here? That sure doesn't sound like it's OK for me to have an opinion.
Because you continued to respond and I'm lonely? Or, more to the point, you have provided different justifications for maintaining your opinion, and those justifications are worth considering and talking about.
Plus, I'm watching Captain Underpants for the eleven-billionth time, and your justifications are spurring other thoughts.
RE: From The Ashes: Detroit by Night
If you'll have me, I'm interested in running in. Maybe I know some of that crowd. If interested in having another member, PM me? Plzkthx.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
New management shortened the 'due date' from the 5th to the 3rd.
What does your lease say?
New management can say whatever it wants to; the lease is the only document that matters. If you are in a month-to-month tenancy, the payment terms, in the absence of a written document to the contrary, defaults to the prior lease.
If you want to put a fork their eyes, let me know.
RE: Diceless/Stats Optional
@botulism said in Diceless/Stats Optional:
No stats at all, then? That loses some people, too.
It seems to work okay for a lot of superhero games.
RE: Eldritch - A World of Darkness MUX
I wish I could just hole up in my office every day to plow through my work, but I have this fucking phone that just won't leave me alone. And e-mails. And people keep walking into my office.
I deal with it.
I'm all for removing the DARK flag for staffers entirely. If you're working on something, have an &idle message up.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
You need more kitty in your life.
I get all the kitty I need, mostly, but I could use more.
RE: Games that are active overnight?
I play a vampire on Fallcoast, and I'd be happy to play with you when I can. My evenings are limited.
Flashpoint: Gotham is run by folks in Aussieland, I think. So, I've heard they are more active in those hours.
RE: Star Wars: Insurgency
@Arkandel said in Star Wars: Insurgency:
But personal preferences are, of course, a thing. Not all games can satisfy all people.
While this is no doubt true, create a sandbox is you want one, but label it as such. I generally don't join games when I'm only going to end up being the lighting-guy.
RE: Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question
@zombiegenesis said in Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question:
Anyway, those are the thoughts we were working with and are now trying to use to suss out what bloodlines might work and/or be an interesting addition.
If interested, I can make a suggestion of 3 or 4 bloodlines for each Clan, with a blurb on how they fit the area? If you're canvassing for ideas, which you may not.
@sunnyj said in Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question:
Custom Bloodlines seem like a waste, given the number of fun ones already written.
Depends on what you mean by "custom." For example, the Myrmex on The Descent are based off of the Melissidae (except, of course, Myrmex are ants, not bees) and are considered to be post-apoc evangelical Christians following "the Myrmex" as their Messianic figure. And the Icarians have been warped from "really resolute power dynasts" to "zealots dedicated to the annihilation of humans possessed by spirits."
As you said, though, the best Bloodlines are the ones that are tailored to what you're going for. The Descent's lines are geared towards its post-apoc situation. For Los Angeles, a mix of entertainment, excess, and international intersection might be the key.
That brings up another question: what is the driving push on the game? The Descent is about survival and competition, not high-end political maneuvering, and the bloodlines correspondingly are a little more martial. If you want a political game, you're going to want to make sure your bloodlines are more than just Bruja-esque.
And, yeah, anyone can use my material, as long as I'm given some credit at some point.
RE: Star Wars: Insurgency
@Cupcake said in Star Wars: Insurgency:
HA! Well, I am making an Alliance Intelligence operative. Not particularly looking to have been in his pants, tho.
Really? What, are you blind, woman? I'd let that boy put whatever he wanted wherever.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@Auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
can offer sex, organizational skills, and cleaning.
These are all very good things to offer, but I get to deal with children and a spouse who simply have no concept of taking care of themselves.
Frankly, I'd probably prefer an annulment followed by finding someone with their own job, care, place of residence, and an occasional penchant for rough sex.
RE: Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question
Adding in proposed bloodlines for the other three Clans.
Iktomi (Kokyangwuti): Minions of the Hopi Spider Grandmother, the Shadows that prowled California before its borders were drawn still watch over its people, aid those that deserve it and terrorizing the evil among them. Auspex, Celerity, Nightmare, Obfuscate. (Custom.) (Think Vampire Sluagh, with a leaning towards the Lynx.)
Iltana (Ishhara): These Shadows claim descent from Queen Iltani, an ancient ruler in Babylon, who mastered and managed her husband’s household with ruthless efficiency, and was supposedly sent by the Scorpion Queen herself. Animalism, Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate. (AB, p. 145.) (Scorpion wins. Also, Merges Sorcery)
Otaku (Hotei): Some Shadows don’t like to stay there; some of them enjoy being in the spotlight, or, in the case of the Japanese Otaku, becoming the culture that they have watched from afar. Auspex, Celerity, Majesty, Obfuscate. (BL:Legendary, p. 117.) (The Players, but with a sinister, macabre, Japanese anime twist, with Devotions similar to The Moulding Room.)
Cauldron-Born (Arawn): Allegedly spawned from a magic cauldron, these Haunts are the undead servants of Matholwch, an ancient Irish King who fought against the giants of Britain before the coming of Rome, who have mastered the power of death, which they use to rule their underground fiefdoms. Dominate, Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor. (BL:Legendary, p. 10.) (The non-Lancea Sanctum side of the Bron, and more in line with what the Mabinogion described.)
Stone-Clad (Atahsaia): The quixotic Stone-Clads prefer the sanctity of the mountains and open spaces than the concrete of cities, but their patron demon of Zuni mythology has other ideas for the foreigners that have spoiled the land. Nightmare, Obfuscate, Resilience, Vigor. (Custom.) (Stoneskinned cannibals (you may recall the same as nunnehi), I sort of see these guys as being bruisers that would rather spend their evenings staring up at the sky)
Rakshasa (Mahishasura): The divine opposites of the Shakti, these monstrous Haunts claim lineage from a great buffalo demon, and seek enlightenment in battle to become true demons. Nightmare, Obfuscate, Protean, Vigor. (BL:Hidden, p. 116.) (The opposite of the Shakti, who feast on the fear of their enemies.)
Dayyani (Tiamat): Whereas the Kerberoi claim that they were the first arbiters as to who should be embraced, the Dayyani claim that they were the first judges in the first cities of Mesopotamia. They believe their authority was usurped by the male priests of the Storm-God Marduk. Now, they seek a reversal of fortunes for patriarchal society. Animalism, Dominate, Nightmare, Resilience. (Custom.) (Sort of a new idea, intended to play off with the Iltani; probably have some ancient sort of magic, but I'm not sure what yet, if any.)
Kupua (Maui): What can I say except “you’re welcome”? These Polynesian seafarers are known for playing pranks on others, some of which have had deadly consequences. Animalism, Dominate, Protean, Resilience. (Custom.) (Because Sharkhead, that's why. Also, plays into West Coast surfer culture -- basically, Polynesian Rotgrafen)
Nahualli (Huitzilopochtli): A relatively-new bloodline, the Nahaulli derive their beliefs from Aztec philosophies, and more often than not give their sacrifices to the Aztec God of War. Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, Resilience. (BL:Hidden, p. 78.) (As per the Bloodline book.)
That's what I've come up with so far. I haven't written anything out in detail. ZG, if you want me to work on these, I can, but it might take a few weeks; that batch I did for The Descent took my three or four weeks of constant work, and my RL work and life schedule is pretty hectic.
RE: Star Wars: Insurgency
@Cupcake said in Star Wars: Insurgency:
I'm not blind, but I am conscious of the idea that some people may like to jump to the conclusion that I might be doing this just so I can get my rocks off at the idea of having gotten into Andor's pants. I hate the whole shaming bullshit that comes with that attitude.
I can whole-heartedly assure you that you need not worry that my gentle-hearted ribbing is some back-handed comment about getting rocks off.
Mostly because I like rocks. And getting off. I'm hardly one to judge.
RE: RL Anger
My friends and family know better than to say these things to me.
My response to their darkness is black-on-black crime.
RE: Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question
@magee101 said in Vampire Requiem 2nd Edition Bloodlines Question:
I have no idea how bloodlines are proposed to function in 2e, because some of what I've read in this thread suggests they work differently than they do in 1e, but that's my two cents on why I would want bloodlines.
As stated above, Vampire 2E seems to like to do away with the 'unique discipline' that some (but not all) of the bloodlines got, and replace that with a Bloodline Boon and a set of bloodline-specific devotions (which is how they re-made the Khaibit). The Kerberoi have access to a set of 'unique' Merits, but those are horridly overpowered in use.
Otherwise, everything you said is why I like bloodlines.
So bloodlines allow you to add another dimension to a character, be it a sickness like Malkovians, that mark them so differently from their base clan, to an extreme burden to all of Kindred society (some of the Mekhet bloodlines come to mind here). It adds more flavor, adds more variety in mechanics and combinations.
Right, so, when making The Descent's bloodlines, I added a thought: how does this bloodline fit into the setting? For The Descent, the setting was post-apocalyptic, spiritual, and otherworldly: there was less emphasis on the First Tradition because there were spirits, ghosts, and monsters prowling about in public (like The Witcher). I crafted each of them to fit into some relevant niche:
Adroanzi: The post-apocalyptic world is being overrun by nature, and these vampires have mastered nature.
Ahrimanes: Vampires that live in and watch the spirit world, who have emerged to preserve the boundaries between worlds.
Alucinor: Shadows that dwelled too far into the realm of dreams, they manipulate and control their herds in their sleep.
Azerkatil: Vampires are monsters too; the Azerkatil hunt them down and destroy them on contract.
Blood Brothers: Wasteland-dwelling survivors that use their group strength to protect themselves from predation.
Dragolescu: Ghosts are not always bad; these vampires have learned to deal with them for fame and fortune.
Galloi: Self-appointed Lords and Ladies of civilization whose twisted, vice-ridden predilections turn their herds into harems.
Khaibit: The world's historical defense against the Strix and other Horrors.
Icarians: PURGE THE UNCLEAN. These monster-hunters live for battle, and are sworn to rid the world of Horrors.
Myrmex: Hive-mind evangelical apocalyptic cult members that all march to the same beat.
Nelapsi: Lords over the herds that steal from others that have mastered their supernatural hunger.
Oberlochs: Savage warlords that fiercely protect their herds like alpha dogs.
Septimi: Humanists sworn to protect humanity and exorcise the evil that preys upon it.
Shepherds: Conservationists that follow the Fourth Tradition.
Sta-Au: Predators from the Land of Worms, these vampires feed on and slay the ghosts that stray into the real world.What a lot of 1E games lack is focus or direction for their bloodlines. It's not enough to just be flavor; if bloodlines are to be meaningful, they have to be acknowledged and affixed within the setting somehow. So, in my opinion, game designers need to pay heed to what they want to do with the bloodlines, and not be afraid to reject requests to add more.
RE: Star Wars: Insurgency
@Arkandel said in Star Wars: Insurgency:
I feel that's one of the reasons people don't make games. It's the rampant preemptive criticism.
You say this like pre-emptive criticism is a bad thing.
Clearly, the staff here have thought through the problems. This is a good sign. If anything, knowing that @TNP and @ixolai are on board is a reassuring thing.
If an advertised game cannot survive the pre-emptive criticism, then it really needs to be thought through again.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
I hope it works out, I truly do.