Knowing that the three of you lovely ladies are on Etsy makes me so very happy.
Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: Etsy
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
I'm hardly concerned with what you think about my beliefs or opinions, but your thoughts and statements reinforce them.
As you said, the way you build sheets in 1E and 2E are vastly different. The way you build your PC through XP is necessarily different because of the removal of exponential XP costs. You have Conditions too, which help you get additional XP. But there's more than that.
Conditions don't exist in 1E, and are extremely important for Vampire (if you play it). Vampire 1E and Vampire 2E play completely differently because of the way Disciplines work, and other matters. Werewolf 1E and 2E are almost completely alien. And in 2E, you have systems that don't exist in 1E, and these systems -- the Doors system, the Clues system, the Chase mechanics -- are well thought-out, interesting, and built into the Merits system.
Regardless, we're talking about opinions. I would agree that putting a PC together is similar between the two systems, but the considerations are far greater in 2E and that's what makes it a different game.
RE: RL Anger
What the critics meant to say was that Idris Elba or Mahershala Ali would be better choices because they are better actors.
RE: Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart
@livia said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
Man I was trying to teach Jyhad to a magic player just recently and just going through all the different card types made them give up
Right? And that's just the powers. That's not going through the myriad of strategies you can employ. Ventrue stealth-bleeding. Tremere combat-decking. Assamite thaumaturgy-tossing. And so on.
Yes, I am and was that Jyhad/V:TES nerd that made cards for her MUSH alts, shut up.
@cobaltasaurus said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
See, I see it and find it visually distracting and would rather just double check myself with the various tables in the book.
I feel the same. To re-word what I said above, the flowchart might be useful if you are familiar with the system and can use it as a reference, but to a newbie it may be mind-bogglingly and unnecessarily complex.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@saosmash said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I am missing a filing deadline in approximately 8 minutes because my client has not signed and returned a thing I sent him last week.
One thing we do at my firm, if you're talking about the verification of interrogatory answers under oath, is submitting the unverified version to opposing counsel and/or the court, and then submitting the verification later by amendment.
"I mean, the thing got filed, your Honor; it was just missing something that we added later. Where's the harm?"
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
@wildbaboons said in nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E:
Right or wrong there is a desire for multisphere games and Changling at least is a big popular one that people want
RE: RL Anger
Eh. Will Smith is actually an impressive dramatic actor, when he's put in a role that calls for it.
I know, but he's still not as good as Idris Elba or Mahershala Ali. Especially the latter.
Sure, but the controversy isn't that he's not a good enough actor. It's that he's not a black enough actor.
Maybe he isn't. I don't know. I'm not going to presume to know "who is black enough" and who is not.
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
@thenomain said in nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E:
At least using "how long can I play there?" as a metric of viability, I think people are willing to put up with complexity in exchange for longevity.
Is this a good metric for viability or desirability? If so, then places like Dark Metal, Tartarus, and Haight-Ashbury are among the shining examples of the best that the WoD games have to offer.
RE: Good TV
Umbrella Academy is amazing. My view is likely biased since I never read the comics.
RE: Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart
@derp said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
While Cobalt can come back with a snide 'maybe you should read further before commenting', I did read further, and her later reply seemed like equivocation justifying being mean-spirited toward another forum user earlier in the thread.
Are we reading the same thread here? Let me help you with Cobalt's first three posts.
@cobaltasaurus said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
sigh This is such a gross over complication. It does not need to be this difficult.
@cobaltasaurus said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
It's an over complication and way more information than a new player is going to need. It is not brief and concise, it's a visual mess that sends people not already familiar with mage running for the hills.
@cobaltasaurus said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
It doesn't send me running for the hills. I know how to the rules for casting in mage. I have had multiple people comment to me that looking at that image has completely turned them off of playing mage. @Sparks Is a good example of people turned off on mage. "This is too complicated, I'm going back to D&D." (Paraphrasing here.)
I'm glad it helps you, but it doesn't help everyone and it actively turns off some people.
Only then, after two direct replies, do we get:
@cobaltasaurus said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
Okay, sure. You're way of playing and learning is the One True Way, got it.
So, having cited to the record, your following conclusion seems out-of-place:
@derp said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
You shouldn't get a pass for being catty toward another user just because you come back later and say 'well I suppose this could be ok to a certain class of player'.
If not out-of-place, then your conclusion ignores what is clearly evident from the record.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
@Too-Old-For-This said in Good or New Movies Review:
They did make The Killing Joke. Just not LA. They made it animated... and it was panned. HARD. They even got Mark Hamill to come out of retirement to voice the Joker for it (the ONLY time he ever said he would)... and they still fucked it up. They focused so much on the lead up story, that the storyline itself was relegated to 20 minutes of 'peekaboo' style animation flashing and a bit of action. I'm not surprised people are hesitant to touch that particular story again.
Did you watch it? I did.
They did not fuck it up. They did try to tack on about 30 minutes of unnecessary character development between Barbara and the Batman. I understood what they were going after, but that doesn't mean it was necessary. But was it bad? No, it wasn't.
No, what you have is a lot of fanboy nonsense, for the most part, regarding the added sequences, and some ornery bullshit about deviating from the source material "too much." Frankly, I enjoyed The Watchmen movie as much as I enjoyed the graphic novel, but I liked the movie's ending more because it is a little more realistic and understandable. Did the fanboys bitch and moan? Oh, you betcha.
So, no. I liked The Killing Joke. It was very good. It just wasn't as "edgy" as The Dark Knight or as 90s-noire was the graphic novel. So what? Hamill and Conroy do just fine, and you'll pardon if I don't need to see suggestive photos of the Joker banging a paralyzed Babs.
RE: Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart
@derp said in Helpful Spellcasting Flowchart:
So I counter with -- Perhaps you've just become so accustomed to this type of behavior that you're not seeing it for what it is.
An ad hominem retort, counselor?
I suppose you're right. I am used to this sort of behavior. I see it every day here, from everyone, and every day at work. People who won't let a damn thing go; people who toss shade. So, I'll say what I mean to say another way.
Some people may find the chart intimidating. I don't. Some people may find the chart useful. I don't. Some people may not find the game to their liking due to the complexity of the magic system. I don't.
I find the game not to my liking because the only variety of players I dislike prejudicially more than players who play Vampire are players who play Mage.
(Note, I do like a lot of players who play Mage, but I haven't found a single "group" of players who seem more keen on power-gaming and obliterating other players / "their opponents" than people who fastidiously harp on the awesomeness that is Mage 1E.)
RE: RL Anger
@VulgarKitten said:
@Roz How about to a person who will get super defensive at any hint of criticism?
"Hey, would you mind not chewing gum with your mouth open?"
"Hey, why don't you mind your own business?
"Because your chewing is so bloody noisy, it is getting into my business. So, I am minding it."
"Well, I'm not going to stop."
"Fine. I'd continue this conversation, but you're being a total bitch."
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
@thenomain said in nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E:
e.g., My first character on Haunted Memories was rejected by a spazztastic staffer because the character's history involved a minor. How easy it would have been to say: As long as this minor does not come into play that's fine. Just: App rejected.
My first character on Requiem for Kingsmouth had an underage ward with him, and the undertones of "there's something more here" were pervasive enough that IC rumors started.
And this was intentional. For Sarah (the ward), from whom Cai had fed, definitely thought of him as more than just "adopted dad" as a result. No one accused me of wanting to RP out underage-sex fantasies. And the few people who thought the relationship seemed odd at times brought it up ICly. As a result, there was a lot of mileage out of that Touchstone.
Which is part of playing Vampire 2E, but an element that people neglect on MUSHes.
RE: RL things I love
Because Brightburn looks like it is going to kick so much ass.
RE: Getting Involved (and getting other people involved)
RfK's political system fits the vampire game, and it generates its own RP to a certain extent. Even if nothing's apparently happening, a PC can modify their territory, or another's, or get favors to be used later, and so on. There's something to do because the mechanics for generating your own reasons to RP with others exist.
Contrast this with most other games, and you simply must have players or staff generating that activity. This can be done many ways, such as: (1) asking to RP with others; (2) inviting others to RP with you and/or others; (3) forming social groups; (4) running plots; (5) participating in plots; (6) acting on bits of IC information given to you; and (7) referring people IC or OOC to other people that can assist them or RP with them.
I did not try as hard as I could on Reno to do this. For about a week, every time I came on, I loudly announced I would run things or RP with people. Startlingly few took that invitation.
So, I am doing something similar on Eldritch, and threw out the ID of some of my old and current alts, and my handle here. My hope is that I can get some activity going. But when the overwhelming majority of players are loitering in OOC areas, history tells me that they are of a passive nature when it comes to RP.
RE: Getting Involved (and getting other people involved)
@Tempest said:
I will admit this may be a flaw on my part, but personally, I'm always leery of random 'I will run stuff!' things from people (players on the game, not staff) I don't know/haven't played with before, because you have no idea what you are possibly jumping into. I imagine that might be the reason for a low level of reaction.
This is why I put up the IDs of my old and current alts, and my MUSoapbox name with my post. To get further back into history, I staffed as Inferno @ St. Pete's, Wagner @ HM, Zealot @ Denver By Night, and CyberSix @ Due Rewards.
Without sounding too parental, if you don't give it a shot, then you'll never know. If only one person shows up, I've done my part, and I will make that person's time as fun as I can.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
It's midnight here and it's too quiet now.
Most nights, he'd just sit at my feet, as I'd sit on the couch; our legs sprawled out, relaxing after a day. Those nights seem long gone.
I did as I promised. As macabre and as morbid as my words were, nothing could have prepared me for what happened. And, in truth, I underestimated the power of 6 pounds of lively fur settling into the watch that ends the night.
When they brought him out, it was in a blanket. We put him on the couch in that deathly quiet room reserved for the most solemn communion a pet owner can go through. We pet him, and he tried to purr, but what came out was akin to a death rattle, a noise that shook what was left of him happily and warmly. As my partner began to cry, he turned to her, set a paw against her leg, and stopped purring altogether.
He was ready.
They advise you to put a blanket across your legs: when the chemicals take effect, the body relaxes and sometimes releases what's left inside. We put him on one, then set them in my lap; I set my forearm along his back, and settled my fingers against that part of his neck where I've stroked him on so many quiet evenings in the past decade. He seemed to relax a little, and his tail stopped flopping back and forth. I could see his chest rising and falling.
Two shots: one milky white, the other a translucent pink which would deliver the final overdose. The doctor slipped the needle into the I.V., and as she emptied the syringe with excruciating slowness I could feel him slowly going numb. And with the second, I could sense him escaping from under my fingertips and out of his body.
We managed to hold it together until the doctor left. I will never forget the ashen wail to my right, and the sense that I had finally lost something that I would never get back.
Good night, sweet prince.
RE: Let's talk about TS.
@carex said in Let's talk about TS.:
The justice system is a pacifier to keep the plebs from revolting.
Swap out "the plebs" with "rich oligarchs," and you're a little closer. Otherwise, you're way off.
The justice system is no more about justice than the Rules of Acquisition are about fair business practice.
Fair business practice has nothing to do with justice, and it was not designed to do so.