I think I understand your perspective, but it doesn’t change what I am suggesting, which is that we generally not speak ill of the dead in this thread. All of the reasons you have stated are what I would cite to in support.
Best posts made by Ganymede
RE: Dead Celebrities 2020
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
She did change, yes. And I understand that she had every right to want to experience the parts of growing up she missed out on.
I guess I am expressing my opinion that watching girls growing into women can be really fucking annoying.
RE: The Work Thread
@Roz said in The Work Thread:
Gosh, if only we could predict the timing of this newsletter that we do at the end of every month so we're not scrambling to put it together each time!
When is your end-of-month newsletter supposed to be released?
RE: What's your nerd origin story?
My brother didn’t have a lot of friends, so he taught me to play classic games like RuneQuest and BattleTech. We played together, and he showed me the strategies. When I finally made it to middle school, I was winning BattleTech tournaments, much to the chagrin of his friends.
To this day, when we hang out, it’s all about the games. And bourbon and hockey, of course.
RE: MU Things I Love
@Pandora said in MU Things I Love:
Emphasis mine; the amount of side-eye this would get in most places these days is hilariously depressing.
The side-eye was fine. There was supposed to be side-eye. And there was: there were rumors and everything. ICly, he was asked about it. ICly, he faced accusations. But, then, I was playing with mostly adults.
I later played the daughter on another game, where she had grown up. And that, in and of itself, was fun, albeit in a twisted way.
RE: The Hockey Thread
@Ghost said in The Hockey Thread:
Disclaimer: I get the history behind the Blue Jackets name and it's cool. I'm just talking shit. It's also just...blue jackets. I got a blue hoodie in my closet. Get a monster/animal in there.
Hey, I'm not contesting that Ohio has some shit team names. I mean, who the fuck names a team after deez nuts?
We make fun of Michigan, but they have cool team names like the Wolverines and the Spartans. What do we have? Tree Testicles.
The Blue Jackets have the best name in Ohio. And that is the telling thing.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Testament said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
As much as I hate to say it, they're really good for each other.
Unsolicited commentary: how do you know?
Let's say he tells you. Let's say he tells you how happy he is. How she satisfies him in ways no one else has. This is all great. Let's say that you believe him.
If it is clear to him that his significant other won't get along with his friends, then he has a choice to make. Telling him that you don't get along with his SO and would rather not be around him is a logical, reasonable, adult thing to say. Letting him make the choice will be painful for him but, guess what, growing up is painful.
But let's say that he doesn't always get along with her. Or that he is unhappy that she goes full-blown political on his friends. Would it surprise you if she mouthed off to his parents? That he has noticed that people don't want to hang out with him any more if his SO is around?
Then you're just pointing out the obvious: that his SO is alienating him from the people he also loves and cares about. It isn't a pleasant place to be in but, guess what, growing up is painful.
I was not ready to have kids. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how good I am judged to be with my kids, I am not a kid-person. It's not how I see myself and it was never an ambition of mine to be a parent. But I suck it the fuck up, put on a smile, and try to be the best damn parent I can be. It has meant fewer nights out. It has meant giving up my burgeoning acting career. It has meant fewer networking events. It has meant spending more time confined in the house.
Fewer friends. Fewer drinks. Fewer adventures to get into and fewer tales to talk about. There's a part of me inside that screams aloud about where I could have been or could have done if I was more of an asshole, told my partner off years ago, and went on my merry scalawag way. But I've accepted that there are sacrifices to be made for choices we have made and, guess what, growing up is painful.
I personally do not believe a person is good for another if they alienate those around them. That's a sign of not accepting who they are.
RE: nWoD City Territory System?
A vampire that has no territory, but is repeatedly assailed and therefore blows through their vitae, is at a distinct disadvantage. So, they must either control more territory, or not get into confrontations for fear of being bled out over time. Thus, a bar.
You can make a system of limited resources without making those resources integral to the existence of a PC. Those who want to play the politics game can fight over the resources, and those who don't can still exist.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
You could be saving him now by sitting him down and going hey, look, I know you like her and I know this is a big deal....but remember that friendships outside of a relationship are important and if she's not letting you have those / is making those difficult, you might want to think about things.
Said another way, a friend may betray you and break your heart but if they leave you don't end up owing them half of your house.
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Ghost said in If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP:
You can do a lot with bar/coffee RP if you think about it.
I get a lot of mileage over random scenes.
- Erin meets girl. Gets concussion bashing her head on a bunk.
- Daithi is in the market talking to someone when a boar runs through. Attempts to wrestle the piggy to the ground, gets injured in the groin.
- Maddy is playing pool. Gets into argument about how shaken milk does not bring young men to playgrounds.
And so on.
RE: The Work Thread
@Rinel said in The Work Thread:
When your bosses pull you in because you left early on Tuesday due to panic and tell you not to... because they have panic attacks too and that if you're going to be panicking, you should just come into their office and cry with them.
I wish I had this skill, but I don't. I cover my emotions with laughter. I laugh a lot, actually.
I mean, it sort of makes people at work uncomfortable, but my other mode is killbot, so --
RE: If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP
@Pondscum said in If you work hard, son, maybe someday you'll RP:
I did enjoy letting loose that piggy on you.
I enjoyed the shit out of that too, but the premise -- spontaneous event in a public place -- isn't very different from "bar RP."
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Act I, Scene I
Patient: Oh! You have twins?
Partner: Yes. (shows pictures)
Patient: (stares at pictures for a few seconds)
Partner: They are bi-racial.
Patient: Oh.
Partner: My partner is Chinese.
Patient: Chinese?
Partner: Yes.
Patient: (pause) Are you taking any special precautions?
Partner: What do you mean?
Patient: I mean, you could just move out for a while so that they can be together and not have to worry about getting sick.(End scene as Partner chokes Patient with stethoscope.)
Act I, Scene II
Partner: So, let me get the test results —
Patient 1: What do you think of the coronavirus?
Partner: Well, I think it is something we should all be aware of and take steps to —
Patient 2: You know, I don’t know what the deal is.
Patient 1: Yes, I agree.
Patient 2: I mean, if it’s from China, we should just round them up and put them in internment camps.
Partner: (stunned silence) I’m sorry, internment camps?
Patient 2: Yup.
Partner: Like what we did to the Japanese in World War 2?
Patient 2: Mm-hmm.
Partner: That is the most racist thing I have ever heard.
Patient 1: Really?
Patient 2: Well, if it works —(End scene as Partner shoots both patients in the face.)
Aside from the endings, these events actually happened to my partner over the past three work days.
RE: Difference between an NPC and a Staff PC?
@krmbm said in Difference between an NPC and a Staff PC?:
I object to staffers using NPCs - special characters with access to shit regular players can't get (whether that's abilities, connections, information, whatever) - as their personal PCs, and justifying it by saying "it's just an NPC."
That sounds like unethical conduct to me, which makes it fall outside of whether sex and romance should be in the toolkit of an ethical staffer running a plot for someone.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@insomniac7809 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Did you not get the "how to be horrible in Polite" primer before you unpacked?
Darling, that is more talent than skill.
RE: Our Tendency Towards Absolutes
@Tempest said in Our Tendency Towards Absolutes:
My problem, and IMO, the core toxicity destroying the hobby, isn't that MU staff can be shitty or that players are entitled … . It's how dishonest, tribal, and defensive they (and everybody else in this hobby) are, and how incapable of taking a look in the mirror and holding themselves and their friends accountable they are., nevermind accepting outside criticism.
My ribs still hurt from the irony.
You're not wrong, though; you are right. We don't look in the mirror often enough. We are full of faults. And we are often unwilling to hold our friends to the same standards that we hold strangers.
And we are human.
I'm not sure how any of this has to do with what I believe Sparks is talking about, which may be why she casually walked around what Too Old for This was saying. But I would approve and support of a measure that holds staff to a higher standard of conduct than players by virtue of their positions.