@Miss-Demeanor said in Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers:
We're not losing anything by continuing to disallow it, and I seriously doubt we would be gaining enough by allowing it that would be worth the bullshit that would have to be dealt with.
Just want to hook on this because I otherwise agree with the remainder, or am confused why you would raise a particular example here; i.e., having two alts in one scene, since that is demonstrably unrelated.
The issue here, I think, is whether one should harshly censure a staffer from doing this. I don't think so. For smaller games, this sort of thing may be unavoidable.
For example, on Reno, I used my PC as a sacrifice in a scene I ran as staff. I used him as the victim of a plague that was infecting everyone in the city. He thereafter became virtually unplayable, save as an NPC. I clearly didn't gain anything, and neither did the PC; further, pretty much everyone there knew that Oz was the PC I played before becoming staff. However, by your rules, what I did was forbidden, even though the scene was a launching event to try and get some activity going.
On retrospect, I would have done nothing different. But, again, I was a staff member using my PC in a scene I was running. Would you have censured me?