Advice: MUers are habitual.
SuperMUs are a double-edged sword.
- SuperMUs have a regular audience
- SuperMUs have a large casting call and general appeal
- SuperMUs using anything other than the "describe your traits and argue with each other whether they apply" approach do not do well. SuperMU players are habitual and seem to prefer this system
- SuperMUs have a LONG history of players playing specific heroes, which includes a laundry list of creep issues flagged to X player and Y character.
- I personally disagree with the "everyverse/multiverse" approach, but this seems to be possible.
- Some people are diehard OC players, but when some of these players make an OC (Original Character) using a "trait-based" character system, some tend to make very overpowered concepts with vague wording that ends up being a sort of fish-hook after CGen. Example: An OC with "the ability to make and control iron" will likely not just bend metal and bend bars. Within days they tend to want to instakill things by sucking all of the iron out of their bodies. I've seen this with gravity, gold, etc.
By all means, make whatever game you want, but in my experience the built-in crowd of 20-30 players who habitually play SuperMU games will not necessarily join a SuperMU game if it means learning a new system, not getting their OC, etc. Point in case; you're already being asked why Rhost and not Ares.