ADHD is making me a really terrible friend and I hate it.

Best posts made by Herja
RE: MU Things I Love
Played out the conclusion of a storyline that has taken over half a year to reach. The ending was so much better than I expected. Utterly tragic and with consequences that have irrevocably changed all the characters involved.
Thank you, @Darinelle. Who would have thought that a small request to look into a tiny piece of backstory would have turned into this?
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Ominous I guess I’m boggled that you see some distinction between them. I don’t think your analogy is apt at all, frankly. There is no more meaning to having a piece of code that says I am Queen of the realm than having a group of players agree to it and we construct a narrative around that imaginary fact. In both cases, it’s an entirely imaginary construct just one happens to have a system that someone coded attached to it and one doesn’t. It’s about player buy-in no matter what. Even if you have game mechanics that say that being the Queen is an honor, no one cares if the players don’t care.
RE: MU Things I Love
Telling stories, even weird, confusing, creepy ones that might not seem to make sense, and having others enjoy them and play along is such a rush.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
That's why social combat shouldn't be a 'one hit and done' sort of deal. Not even physical combat usually works that way unless the combatants are way mismatched. Social combat can be subtle and done by degrees. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. One good roll shouldn't let my socially proficient princess know all your secrets just like one good roll shouldn't result in my knight being able to instantly behead your character. It's a story that we use dice to help tell. Winning (or losing) easily is usually a boring story. A good social combat system would keep that in mind.
RE: MU Things I Love
I had one of those scenes last night that remind me why I love RP over just writing on my own despite the frustration and irritation of interaction with other players sometimes. The scene took a turn that I didn't see coming and deepened what was already an awesome story. It's my favorite type of story as well; less about being a bad ass (though those are fun) and more about the ties between characters and the emotional consequences of those ties. This has been one of my all time favorite RP stories ever.
RE: Why We Don't Make New Friends Anymore (Or Creepers Do Creepy Things)
So, after a rough break-up this summer, I made an attempt a couple of months ago to very hesitantly dip my toes back into the local dating pool. Ended up kind of casually talking to a friend of a friend. He was cute. We have similar interests. Seemed like a good place to start.
Literally, after a week of talking, he starts getting... weird. First was him making repeated comments about how I don't post a lot of pictures of myself on Facebook and then very quickly assuming that I don't like the way I look and trying to reassure me how attractive he finds me in a really 'off' way while trying to wheedle pictures out of me.
Look, I don't put picture on Facebook because that has become nothing more than a place for me to post memes. Period. Also, I know that I'm attractive. You don't need to reassure me like you are going to be the white knight to come and boost my self-confidence so that I can reward you with my eternal gratefulness in the form of oral sex. I have plenty of self-esteem, which I why I don't feel the need to post pictures of myself on Facebook for validation!
Then, he started getting weird about me not talking to him for days at a time because I was busy with my life and getting some strange vibes with him. He kept commenting really passive-aggressively on my silence, then claiming it was a 'joke' whenever I called him on it.
Needless to say, I decided to skip the dating pool and just hang out on the side of it drinking cocktails instead.
RE: MU Things I Love
Please let it be me.
RE: MU Things I Love
@SinCerely I just needed to know that I'm wonderful.
RE: Emotional bleed
He lived. I just spent the entire date drinking cocktails on his dime and roasting him subtly until the end of the date when he got fresh and I got really unsubtle about it.
RE: Emotional bleed
My aesthetic is Sandy from Grease after Frenchie gives her a makeover and she very awkwardly is smoking a cigarette.
So, yeah. Pretty much.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
My kingdom for a Sunrunner game.
RE: Game of Thrones
I would also adore a Sunrunners game. As for Captal’s Tower, I doubt we will ever see it. I just want to freaking know who the eff Collan is!
RE: Emotional bleed
@Kanye-Qwest Once, a guy I was going out on a date with showed up in a t-shirt saying that. That was an interesting date.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Sparks See, I think if you set out info and lore files that were pretty comprehensive, a lot of people into Lords and Ladies games would love the Sunrunners universe, even if they never read the books.
Now, if we were talking Lenfell, I feel like that would just be me. I love that story world so much. Melanie Rawn is an incredible world-builder even if her unreliability as a writer has made it so that I don't read her work anymore.
RE: The Crafting Thread
@Auspice The snek was my birthday gift from her a few years back. Also, for all my stalkers, yes, that’s my clavicle.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
I desperately want a Sunrunner MU and would even be willing to staff it but I don’t think I could get it the way that I would want it.
RE: Dating in the 2020's
@Darren Look, I can always get take-out for dinner. So.