I think the biggest thing that helps me is to give PCs space to get to know each other. If you make every moment non-stop action, you lose a lot of opportunity to allow PCs to bond and get to know each other. So, if I am doing, say, a dungeon quest, maybe we have a brief interlude where they camp for the night. Maybe they are just walking around the forest and talking, looking along the trail for signs of their quarry. If players are given space, they will typically 'fill in the gaps' with conversation and that is step one to developing PC relationships.

Posts made by Herja
RE: Meshing Groups
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@macha Probably Indiana, lol. We don’t have any inspections here and it shows.
RE: GMs and Players
@il-volpe Boy. I can't think why GMs aren't falling over themselves to make story for you.
RE: The Work Thread
Goodwill is what you pay OVER the valuation of a business. If a business is worth 2 million, but you pay 3 million, then the excess is considered goodwill and amortized since it refers to the intangible property that you are purchasing, such as branding and intellectual property, etc. If the business is valued at over 2 million, but you are only paying 1 million for it, then the excess valuation is going to be taxed as a gift per the IRS. I would be very careful and make sure all your documentation is in order.
RE: Autism and The MU* Community
@ganymede My daughter is on the spectrum and operates in a similar way. She can be a really kind kid in that she does a lot to help out with her little brother and she loves animals but she is also the sort that will burst out laughing if someone else is crying or having a meltdown. She says things that are incredibly hurtful and is confused when I explain to her why that was super messed up. She doesn't respect authority in the form of a person at all, but she does respect "the rules". if you tell her a rule, she follows it without deviation even when deviation from the rules makes more sense socially. She is exceedingly, brutally honest, even when it would be better for her if she lied.
RE: A long time coming
@caryatid I always had fun with you and wish you the absolute best.
RE: The Work Thread
@saosmash said in The Work Thread:
Organization and calendaring were ALREADY a problem for me
I have a months worth of audits to do in 2 weeks (thanks seasonal depression!) and just trying to get all the paperwork organized and the actual audits scheduled makes me wanna crawl back in bed and hide some more.
RE: The Desired Experience
This is why when I have been asked on Arx what we 'need', I just tell the player to pick something that sounds fun. I don't like that question because it feels like it comes with an expectation that RP is just going to drop in that player's lap if they choose this specific role. Also, most of the time, I don't know the player in question at all and I don't feel comfortable playing a guessing game to see what they might find fun because, almost inevitably, if they don't find what they are looking for with my suggestion, they are going to blame me for not giving them the right hook rather than admit that they need to choose for themselves and stop making their fun my responsibility. I offer opportunities for fun, not guarantees.
RE: Paying for a MU*?
Getting paid to do what I do now does nothing to solve the fundamental issues that some players are entitled Karens that might be willing to pay for entertainment but don’t really respect the effort that goes into it. Attaching a paycheck to it just turns it into a shitty retail job and no thank you. At least now, if a player is being a creep or a jerk, I can just ban them or not engage with them and it doesn’t affect whether I can pay my light bill.
RE: RL things I love
@ganymede I am a real property auditor and this is what I do everyday in my real life. Comparing economic principles to accounting principles is inaccurate as they aren’t the same things or even really in the same category of study. One is the framework for how financial information is recorded. The other is theory based on how people behave with money. I am not disputing that people in general seek to maximize gain and minimize loss with very little future consequence thinking involved. Accounting concepts seek to determine what guidelines keep short term greed from doing long term economic damage. See WorldCom, see Exxon.
ETA: The issue isn’t that real estate speculation is increasing the price of real estate. The problem is what is going on in the accounting to make that happen. Take a look at Zillow’s most recent 10-K. It is enlightening and I expect the SEC is going to step in eventually.
RE: RL things I love
@ganymede Except by breaking those basic principles, they are creating an artificial bubble in the price of property that is already starting to have a chain effect on the economy, exacerbated by Covid. If this continues, the 2008 housing bubble burst is going to look like a joke as compared to what we are potentially looking at when this bubble pops because it will. They always do. The principles are there for a reason and it isn't just to make money, it is to protect the economy and investors from those who act unscrupulously or just out of basic greed and stupidity.
RE: General Video Game Thread
@sunny said in General Video Game Thread:
Chrono Cross remaster wut wut?!?!
All I've heard is rumors but apparently NVIDIA had a leak and the leak implied that SE might be working on this. The THOUGHT is spectacular.
I just hope they release it on Steam too because I am here for this.
RE: How do *you* make social scenes fun and enjoyable?
Be generous in poses. Give your partner(s) something to react to, be it a piece of compelling dialogue or some sort of non-verbal cue that they can then pick up and run with. I don't mean something that results in them merely reacting to your PC, but something that gives them something to build on in their pose. There should never be a point where the other person, if they are semi-creative and a decent writer, doesn't know how to continue the conversation. Leave openings. Let other people feel important in the scene. Don't center everything on just your character.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
I desperately want a Sunrunner MU and would even be willing to staff it but I don’t think I could get it the way that I would want it.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2021 Edition
@coin This one hurts. She was one of my favorite actresses. I’ve loved her since she was in Charles II:The Power and Passion.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
@il-volpe Letting that much free meat fall into the ocean is just wasteful.