@Sparks RIGHT? At this point, I wish she'd just say that she's not writing it, so I can stop looking for it every year or so for any news about it. That series is why I am reluctant to read any multi-book series that hasn't been finished. I made an exception for Game of Thrones and now I'm regretting it.

Posts made by Herja
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
@Sparks See, I think if you set out info and lore files that were pretty comprehensive, a lot of people into Lords and Ladies games would love the Sunrunners universe, even if they never read the books.
Now, if we were talking Lenfell, I feel like that would just be me. I love that story world so much. Melanie Rawn is an incredible world-builder even if her unreliability as a writer has made it so that I don't read her work anymore.
RE: What Types of Games Would People Like To See?
My kingdom for a Sunrunner game.
RE: The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Lotherio I am so sorry that you and your kid are having to deal with that. It's exhausting on so many levels. I'm pretty sure that my school system is very aware of me in a not great way because I've been a vocal pain in the ass for the past five years. Even then, even being Mama Bear af, it wasn't until she was having screaming meltdowns in class that her doctor agreed to do the testing.
RE: Game of Thrones
I would also adore a Sunrunners game. As for Captal’s Tower, I doubt we will ever see it. I just want to freaking know who the eff Collan is!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Kanye-Qwest I just got rid of all of my physical books a couple months ago. I was really worried that I would regret it, but I almost exclusively read off of a device. My books were just collecting dust (the dust was becoming a huge issue for my asthma problems) and I've been able to hang cool art in the spaces where I had huge floor to ceiling bookshelves. I think I kept about half a dozen physical books that were sentimental more than anything. It was absolutely freeing and I can breathe so much better in my house.
RE: Do You Do A Writing?
I am so down for this. I have a couple projects that need some love.
RE: What drew you to MU*?
@zobi I was Horde side. I did some light RP for a couple of months and then ran into a scene with a bunch of blood elves, of which about 75% were actually robots and noped out of it. Maybe there was some really in depth story behind this that I wasn't privy to, but from someone who was just dipping their toe into the RP scene, I immediately felt like I was missing something major and it wasn't for me.
RE: What drew you to MU*?
@zobi I RPed briefly on Wyrmrest Accord. It was pretty wild!
RE: What drew you to MU*?
I've been involved in IRC roleplay since I was about 16 years old. I spent years playing on play by email games and forum games as well. I started RPing because I love to tell stories. I have since I first started playing with Barbies and acting out elaborate fantasy scenarios with them. I guess I never really grew out of playing pretend, but until I discovered the internet, it was all just inside my head or written down in these notebooks that I would FILL with world-building notes.
Then I discovered people telling stories on IRC and the rest is history. It's been twenty years now. I've taken breaks here and there for sometimes years at a time, but I always come back because there are always stories that I want to tell, characters that I want to explore.
I found MUs thanks to my best friend who knew I needed an outlet and thought this could be a good one. And it absolutely has been, no matter what has happened. I've met some wonderful people. I met my partner. I've told some stories that have been just beautiful. While some might find it terrifying to think of moving into a MU without any friends, I find that exciting. New people mean new stories to tell. That's all that this is about for me.
RE: Saturna's Playlist
@saturna Most of my experience is ALSO on IRC. Lots of good memories, but also lots of sheer strangeness.
RE: Apology to Darinelle
@saosmash Goddamn this. It feels really shitty to be informed by a 'friend' that someone has been talking shit about you. Most of them try to couch it in the whole 'I just want to work things out between you.'
No. You want to stir the pot. If someone has an issue with me or the way I do things, I expect them to come to me about it if this is truly important to them and it wasn't just a moment of venting out of frustration. If it is serious enough to need a resolution, they need to come to me themselves. If it's not, then I don't need to hear about every time I irritate someone and they needed a moment to bitch.
RE: MU Things I Love
Telling stories, even weird, confusing, creepy ones that might not seem to make sense, and having others enjoy them and play along is such a rush.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@ganymede In my own experience, I hate doing customer service work because it is a severe anxiety trigger. Despite this, I'm really good at it, probably to overcompensate for how taxing it is to me mentally. Most managers are there to maximize their talent get the job done. So, if you are really great at something, they don't care if it kills you inside to do it. They aren't there to worry about your mental health, just the bottom line.
And people wonder why workers no longer have loyalty to companies. I just read an article about employees that 'ghost' employers by just walking out of a job and never coming back. Like employers haven't been pulling stuff like this for years.
RE: MU Things I Love
At least twice in the past couple weeks, I've been in scenes that have been so compelling and so much fun that it's been like I blink and six hours have passed, but the RP has been so good that I've not even noticed.