Best posts made by Insomnia
RE: RL Anger
@Sunny Yeah but even though they have to live with themselves, it doesn't really matter because they will never think of themselves in a way that living with themselves would matter, unfortunately.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Consortium is free this weekend on steam and "Anyone who gets the game this weekend will keep the game in their library forever."
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Apparently Witcher 2 is free to download for people with an Xbox 360 right now. I can't personally confirm though.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
I think honestly it's because the final words weren't literally my batteries are low, it's getting dark; it was a readout about the battery levels, and visual indicators. But we've assigned the rover a gender, and a name. We've humanized those last messages that were sent. Also in our global and instant culture the death of a celebrity gets people because they are in our lives so much, we feel we know them. If Opportunity had gone to Mars during the initial space race, and not during the internet, we probably wouldn't care nearly as much. Hitchbot was killed, if you go back and look at that when it happened.
...And for me personally way too much Phillip K Dick's Electric Dreams, Black Mirror, SOMA, and Detroit Become Human lately. I've been on a kick lately, and even watched A. I. again.
I blame Disney anthropomorphizing everything when we were younger, and the internet. And that first selfie was so darn cute!
RE: twitch
I'm an affiliate but currently the money I get goes to more games to stream. Would like to be a partner someday, but doubt it will happen.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Volition has released the cancelled Saint's Row game for PSP for free you just need a PSP emulator to play it.
RE: twitch
They have just opened up the third affiliate tier 1 emoticon, I just need the sub points. So if you have Prime, and are not already subbed to anyone, please consider subbing to me for the month. I've been doing a lot of Twitch Sings lately, starting next week it's going to be Mon - Weds Other games, Thurs - Sat Twitch Sings, if that's your thing, but if you never watch so long as I get those emoticon slots! >.>
Also when I get 500 followers I will either just sing Never Gonna Give You Up for the whole stream, or play games with spiders in them, for every 500 after that.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
I sometimes feel like I update it too much, but then other times I feel like I don't update it enough, but pretty much every big place to get games has a sale pretty much all the time now, so I don't know if I'm going overboard or not. Probably should, since not everyone follows stuff like me, I assume.
Maybe a weekly sales that are going on or something post? I dunno, free games are the best games, I think! But I mostly pay attention to stuff I like so I leave out a lot as well. If I know what people might be on the lookout for, I could post that too, if I see it.
I need more coffee. Or I've had to much. I dunno.
(If anyone needs a good emulator, feel free to PM me.)
RE: twitch
Friday @ 4pm EST I will be starting a 24 hour marathon to celebrate getting 100,000 views on Twitch. Come say hi!
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Okay so Indie Gala and Bundle Stars have been linked here before, but it never hurts to post them again if you haven't bookmarked them yet. Both these sites have sales going on all through the week. Indiegala is the place most of my money goes when I have it since you can usually get 6 or more games for $3 at the start of the sale. Even if you miss the first 24 hours it's still really cheap.
While it's down right now Groupees is a good one to book mark as well. Not only do they do cheap games, but also books and music and lots of other things. Often they let you build your own bundles. They do this pretty often with Greenlight projects on Steam. (And let's face it, there can be a lot of shit on Steam Greenlight, but they don't seem to pick just random games for it.) During Halloween they had a whole bundle of scary games, music and comics. The other thing I like about Groupees over the other two is that even when a bundle is done, sometimes you can still get it. Most places if a sale is over, that's pretty much it. (I think that's where I pointed @Thenomain to a Professor Elemental collection as well. They have some really random stuff sometimes. Bookmark it! I hope it comes back soon!
Maybe this might be better for the upcoming games thread but GoG (speaking of Steam Greenlight) is going to be getting into that sort of thing as well. Something to keep an eye on. And they are still doing their winter sale.
Maybe once I'm more full of coffee I'll go through and edit the first post with link to things that are always pretty cheap, so people don't have to go hunting and pecking for them.
ETA: I've edited the first post with links to thinks that often has sales.
RE: RL Anger
The thing that really gets me about the "normal" bodies they put on the women is that they are unrealistic, for those women; tomb raiding, former marine, fighters these are all people who should be fit, and it would be completely unrealistic to be the "normal, better" bodies. Men don't get the same treatment in games. Why aren't people complaining how ripped they are? There should be more pot bellies on me in games!
MY other beef is the media saying women are too sexualizes in games for having the fitter figure - no, women are sexualized in games when they wear what amounts to a band-aid for a bra.
But you can't show too much, or it'll scandalize children... while they tear and shoot people's head's off.
Games aren't realistic, and they aren't meant to be. They're escapism.
And I'm saying this all as a not tiny woman: I don't want a "normal" female in games. It would break my immersion.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Coin The Deponia Trilogy (which I have, and they just released part for) are a point and click adventure sort. Comedic, cartoony artstyle, but not cartoons. The Dark Eye is a fantasy point and click game, still with a drawn look, but more like The Walking Dead, but without the lines.
I refuse to explain DoT. It's DoT.
I for one welcome our tentacle overlords.
RE: Dead Celebrities 2019
BTW I'm streaming >OBSERVER_ right now, going to try for full playthrough.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Just so I don't triple post: I updated the first post with another good bundle site for cheap games - DailyIndieGame.
GreenManGaming is having a spring sale - up to 80% off selected titles AND I also have a code for an additional 20% which stacks with these sales, so long as at least £10/$10/€10.
- Spring20 - this will add 20% on all sales so long as the prices is at least £10/$10/€10.
GREENM-ANGAME-R20OFF - This will give you 20% off any purchase, regardless of price.
These codes will not stack with each other, so I suggest to get the best benefit you use the spring code on anything over $10, and the Gamer one in another purchase for anything under $10. Also have lots of ugly links, because apparently linking isn't working today. (I've mentioned this before too but full disclosure on the links: If you use those links and you buy the games, I will get money in a revenue share. A teeny tiny percentage. I think I've made a grand total of 10 bucks though.
Bethesda Sale - Up to 80% Off -
Fallout 4 Season Pass - 40% Off
Fallout 4 - 38% Off
Skyrim Legendary - 75% Off
Elder Scrolls Online: Imperial Edition - 75% Off - Up to 66% Off
The Orange Box - 66% Off
The Complete Pack - 66% Off
Left 4 Dead 2 - 66% Off Brothers - Up to 75% Off
Shadow of Mordor - 75% Off
Mortal Kombat X - 50% Off
Mad Max - 50% Off - Spring20 - this will add 20% on all sales so long as the prices is at least £10/$10/€10.
RE: RL Anger
Yup, I get all that about sex and stuff. It's still a peeve of mine for a female in gaming to say "Tee Hee, I'm a girl, give me stuff or do it for me."
(I also like mayo, but to my dad Miracle Whip IS mayo, so I don't get it much. )
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Jaded said:
For those of you maybe eyeing the Ubisoft bundles on Steam:
If I had to guess that this was done intentionally, I would say it's because at some point Steam said that if you own a game in a pack that's on sale, the cost will be removed from the pack.
Always better to check the prices though.