Sega releases every game ever on a Sega console for free on iOS and Android. They are going to release new games every month.
Posts made by Insomnia
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
RE: Date Thenomain
@Thenomain Sorry, I don't make the rules. It's very important to follow signs instructions to the letter.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Double xp has started on F13th, and the skin and music (well mostly the music) manages to be creepy. 13, 000 CP is enough to buy all the Jason move sets, and one extra perk for your counselors, btw. >.>
RE: General Video Game Thread
I'm Sniklefras on PS4 and have F13 (And Moiren on Steam and have F13).
I hope a lot of the server issues will be fixed with the patch + free DLC they are giving out. Also: Double XP weekend and 13, 000 CP. (And NES Jason skin and music too).
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Jaded Not just VGA, seems like any article I found said the same thing. I had to dig a bit to find it was the demo.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Jaded It's the Download Demo button on the side. Apparently it's the first part of the game, not the first episode, just Paris as far as I can tell.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Rook A more active playerbase to micro-transaction to death?
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Payday 2 is free right now to the first 5 million people who click on "Install now" at the Steam store.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
There are a bunch of games on GoG/connect right now. Sync up those steam libraries with DRM free versions now!
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Jaded Yup, you just need to make sure to hit cancel after you copy it, or it will temp lock it and then no one can have it.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
I have a time-limited extra key of Witcher 2. PM if you want it.Key gone. I DO have about 40 random game keys of things like Undertale, Ryse Son of Rome, and well, random extra games that I sometimes give away on my streams of which I now do daily. I stream on Youtube, Twitch, Beam, and Smashcast. Bot only works on Twitch though.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
@Jaded Boo! Yeah they are based in the UK so the day is a little bit off sometimes. Boo to being out of stock though, it didn't say anything about limited keys.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves is now always free on GoG.