Honestly, I think the women who are all "I'm a girl and I don't know how to play games, plz give me things. Teehee! I'll fuck if you buy me a mount!" do more to hurt how women are perceived in gaming more than anything else. Not that I have the body for it, but it's while I'll never be a bikini streamer. I want people to watch my playthroughs because of the game, and hopefully I'm entertaining, not because I have boobs. I mean I have to be entertaining because I sort of suck at games, even if I love them. I feel bad enough when people gift me games that they want to see me play. Even when they are games on my wishlist so I would have played them anyway. On one hand free stuff is always good. But did they send it to me because I'm entertaining, or because I have boobs? It's always in the back of my mind.
It puts me in a weird place when people comment on my voice; on one hand my ex really shot my self esteem down the toilet and all the way to China, so when someone compliments my voice, for the longest while I couldn't take it. Now I'm comfortable with it, I can even laugh it off at work if someone thinks I'm not old enough to know what a cassette is. But I don't want people tuning in because of my voice. But I stream and record and if I could actually make a living on it I absolutely would! So I need views... And like I said, I kinda suck at games so at least my voice is something? But it's still really weird to have someone say my voice is sexy. At the same time people keep telling me I should do an ASMR video... even Youtube suggests them now. But I'm worried about it being a gimmick. But you have to have some sort of gimmick to be able to make a career of it.
Luckily my moderators are gentlemen, and they will shut that shit down usually faster than I can see it if someone comes into the channel and is all Tits or GTFO or are just rude in general.
Then I just decided to have fun with it. I started doing Let's Plays and Streaming because I talk to myself anyway, so why not record it? I play what I want and try to ignore subs. Until I look at them and get bummed because I'm not getting them because I'm not actively trying to use my sexuality to get them.
Catch 22, really. Pretty much why I never use voice in games, unless I am playing with people I know.