@Ganymede because I liked her? And, you know, being human and all.
Posts made by JinShei
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Auspice except I've reached out to her, and asked if she wants to catch up and... Yeah. No. The more I think about it the more my position becomes...
So fuck it.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Derp just. If I've pissed you off, tell me. Don't be snitty. Just fecking say it
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Or, you know, I could lie here, wondering if I'm imagining that I've upset someone, or if I have and don't know how, and ... argh.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@L-B-Heuschkel An electrical storm went past. Ten miles to the west of me. They got rain. I didn't get lightning or rain or ANYTHING and it is not FAIR. I slept for 4 hours and I am no longer rational. My house is built to keep a ton of warm in and it is muggy and horrible and....
RE: Vietnam War MUSH
@Chet You know that the Americans weren't the only people involved, right? That the horrible racist overtones might not be about the Americans? Honestly, mate, this is a terrible idea, full of potential horrors and ghastliness which would keep this forum active for pages and pages. Put it down, walk away, pretend you never suggested it.
RE: Books...Books...Books....
The Kings Watch series. Better than Dresden files imo.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Broke my phone. It is completely buggered.
RE: Good or New Movies Review
I want more of the old guard. I want it to be a TV series that starts now, from the film,
RE: Movies worth a watch.
The Old Guard. I initially misunderstood and thought it was a series. I wish it was. I need more.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
... and the urgent and the important get mixed up. Because we feel such a sense of urgency generally right now, that's spilling over into the other parts where non-urgent things become urgent, and important things get forgotten... That's my work right now.
RE: Critters!
These are visitors on my mother's patio...mum thinks the chubby lady is about to give birth but holding off until the weather is better. I become more convinced my mother is a nature witch. She just missed the fox that came to the door to check for his dinner...
RE: RL Anger
@LWhiskey Also:
Someone who is retired: We need to do these five things (meaning JinShei and JinDaughter need to do these things)
I'll just fit it in between my full-time job, coping with the pain because the weather changed again, being anxious bout dying from the plague because of our government, dealing with demands to get our organisational infrastructure in place, organising policies whilst bickering about which ones we need, and dealing with the two wankers who are bickering. Oh and marking. Marking season, so my calendar is full of anxious students who actually do need and deserve my attention.
RE: RL Anger
Running community group media is HELL.
Someone: Can we message all the people from the old page?
Me: No because creepy
Someone: But they liked the page, and surely want contact.
Me: No, most people don't...
Someone: Can we at least signpost them to the new page?
Me: Like this post I put up two days ago? I'll pin it to the top.
NewSomeone: Can we put up a post to tell them about the new page?
Me: .... like this one I shared here two minutes ago?
NewSomeone: Yes! Can we pin it to the top of the page.