I tend to agree; HR's should be minimal and only used in cases where something is obviously broken or unbalanced, or otherwise designed to work fine in a tabletop setting but not so well in a multi-sphere, open world setting. HR's by their nature, especially the ones that push for massive changes or rewrites tend not to be playtested and very rarely consider implications outside of whatever detail they're trying to address.
Best posts made by Killer Klown
RE: House Rules vs Rules as Written
RE: oWoD - Is there such thing as a good one?
@rizbunz said in oWoD - Is there such thing as a good one?:
Should this thread be titled something else now?
"oWoD - There Never Were Any Good Ones"?
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
@Ghost It really was undeserved; given that a lot of what was presented was milder than ... I'd have to say most of the original books. People can make the 'times have changed' argument and all that, but really they were just giving people more of what they had in the early editions (As opposed to the CoD stuff rewriting everything)
RE: Experienced Tiers or How much is too much?
I said it earlier, but I really think the issue arises when you combine multisphere games with high xp.
In a single sphere setting, everyone can do basically the same thing; and high xp characters basically can do those same things too, just more of them. There are small boosts (Especially in Changeling with regards to high Wyrd bonuses and drawbacks) but by and large those balance one another out and don't always come into play.
When you're working with a multisphere game, though, you start off with people doing similiar things (mostly relying on skills and low level powers that boost those skills/rolls) but as the XP creeps higher and higher, what players can do with it begins to vary wildly; and it's not always the most balanced of distributions. For example, at starting level a Werewolf, a Mage and a Vampire are more or less on an even keel. For the lower end of the balance, the Werewolf tends to have the edge - especially in purely physical contests. In the midrange, vamps tend to excel because many of their powers don't have much that resists them and they can afford a wider spread. At the high end, Mages are practically godlike compared to the other two by sheer value of flexibility.
This also has the ancillary effect of wearing on staff; which does tend to kill even the most enthusiastic ST's desire to come up with stuff. You not only need to know All The Things, but you also need to know every little detail of the rules and how they interplay or play off one another for basically every power listed in every book you're STing for. -
RE: The MU*Bucket List
Already did it.
Rank 4 Get of Fenris Ahroun, picked up Gift of the Spriggan, fought giant Wyrm things kaiju-style across the landscape.
Admittedly, this was less 'me quitting' and 'the game's shutting down, do whatever the fuck you want', but...This was also the character who, when confronted by a Tar Baby getting stuck to his claws, proceeded to use said Tar Baby to beat another Tar Baby to death - thereby forcing the ST to come up with, on the fly, what the damage rating of using another living being as a weapon would be.
Good times.
RE: oWoD - Is there such thing as a good one?
@sunnyj said in oWoD - Is there such thing as a good one?:
No staff should ever have to handle this sort of crap.
It's not just staff; well back in the day I ended up in the Summer King position in the Changeling Sphere - and, among a slew of other things, I got drug into an blurred line IC/OOC rape argument between a couple of other players. Basically some IC kerfuffle spilled into OOC and I was... I dunno, expected to adjudicate it all or something?
And people ask me why I purpose build characters to not even accidentally fall into positions of responsibility anymore.
RE: Best (PnP) RPGs of 2018?
@Ghost Nevermind there was an entire faction of Werewolves that, by canon, were neo-nazis <and a bunch of vampires who were straight up nazis>.
Also, oWoD pulled that same kind of thing - although I don't recall them using current events, they did claim supernatural happenings were the reason for a number of historic events <Russian revolution, inquisition; hell, they framed the entire Native American genocides and atrocities within the 'Wyrm' war>EDIT - Also, it wasn't just the sociopolitical stuff. I remember someone crying in an article about how much sexual and emotional assault was involved. I was like... uhm. Have you met V:tM?
RE: Vampire 5E Games?
I remember Antagonist spheres in general being a shitshow - Sabbat, Wyrm, whichever flavor of crazypants Mage they wanted to make playable. Even Ratkin <which I otherwise love> sometimes degenerated into one-tricks focusing only on the 'we hate everything and reserve the right to be assholes on principle' aspect.
By and large, it was the players more than the spheres - people tended to have this teenage angst view of evil as simply being 'not good', rather than having its own agenda and goals. The best played ones either thought they were doing good, or simply didn't care one way or another - but most of what I remember seeing was people blatantly breaking laws, being jerkoffs to other players then trying to avoid the consequences IC and claiming that they were justified OOC because they're 'eeevul'. -
RE: One Dollar Mystery Campaign and IC cultures
Tolkien was working on something like this; he called it a mythopoeia - in basic terms, he created a world and an entire backstory, history, mythologies and legends which had nothing to do with the story he was trying to tell or characters he was focusing on; then he put the characters in that framework and had them react to the world he created as opposed to create it around them.
RE: Just checking interest in a concept.
Dunno about the era, but I always had this idle story in mind about a mutant type with the ability of Forge, but for electronics; as a way to bring 'modern' tech into a period game. Like, a guy in the 1950s or 60's seeing Tesla's diagrams and coming up with a way to actually make it work, or tooling around with a cell phone after watching Star Trek.
RE: Mage 2e game - The Golden Road
@Derp Ah, when you put it that way - yes. A paradox is still a paradox, and it's still bad juju. My line of thinking was that the baseline of what is an acceptable power level goes up as your Arcana does, because you can start to perform more powerful effects (ones that might have risked paradox if you tried something that out of the ordinary when you first learned it) without that risk.
RE: What's your identity worth to you?
I don't particularly care; trying to keep up secret identities or what have you just sounds like too much work for me. Also, if someone has a problem with me I'd rather they know who I am ahead of time. I tend to be pretty free about most things regarding myself.
That said, I also tend to be somewhat of an introvert. I don't really initiate conversations much, and there's only a small handful of people I even engage in page conversations with. I don't have a Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media sort of account apart from (if it even counts) a Skype login that I'm never on and a LinkedIn account that I never update. Even back in the day, I never got into the Geocities or Angelfire whatnots; and at present my Steam and Blizzard friends lists consist of two people; one of which is a RL friend. -
RE: Rusalka's Bad Idea: Single(ish) Sphere oWoD
Sabbat can be a lot of fun - their focus, theme and organization was generally more interesting than Cammies
That said, with regards to your 'other stuff out there' bit, that actually was the way the oWoD games handled things. If you remember the old 2e/Revised books they tended to have examples of other supernaturals that, while similiar, weren't actually using the rules set of the fully realized other splat. For example, they had sample werewolves that were listed with equivalencies in terms of having disciplines, et cetera - rather than muddle around with the individual gifts and whatnot. I'd suggest going this route rather than try and incorporate the full sphere mechanics - for one, it keeps all your systems standardized <Easier to remember that that enemy Werewolf over there has the equivilant of Potence 4, Fortitude 3 and Celerity 2 when in Crinos form rather than try to remember what all the form mods, gifts, special rules, etc, etc are> and two, it makes things go a lot faster when it comes down to combat - less fiddly bits to organize on the ST's side. -
RE: CoD Ancient Rome game...
Rome would also be one of those settings that I feel certain types of Promethean would work in. Limited, but it could be cool.
RE: What's your identity worth to you?
In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(23)S or later releases, every IPv6 ACL has implicit permit icmp any any nd-na, permit icmp any any nd-ns, and deny ipv6 any any statements as its last match conditions.*- In the event you add an explicit deny as the last line of the V6 ACL, this statement will take precedence over the implicit permits earlier described (for nd-na and nd-ns).
Maybe read the actual technical documents instead of a blog posting before opening your trap.
RE: Favourite Quote (Inspirational or Otherwise)
“But you can't make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them.”
"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against."
"Remember the firemen are rarely necessary. The public stopped reading of its own accord. You firemen provide a circus now and then at which buildings are set off and crowds gather for the pretty blaze, but its a small sideshow indeed, and hardly necessary to keep things in line. So few want to be rebels anymore. And out of those few, most, like myself, scare easily."
"It didn't come from the Government down. There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no! Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick, thank God. Today, thanks to them, you can stay happy all the time, you are allowed to read comics, the good old confessions, or trade journals."
- 'Farenheit 451', Ray Bradbury.
I could probably just copypasta the whole damn book; so much of it is so very accurate as to how the world is today; and so very misunderstood unless you've sat down and read it. Most telling, though, is something the author himself wrote about it - and keep in mind, the book was written in 1953:
'In writing the short novel Fahrenheit 451, I thought I was describing a world that might evolve in four or five decades. But only a few weeks ago, in Beverly Hills one night, a husband and wife passed me, walking their dog. I stood staring after them, absolutely stunned. The woman held in one hand a small cigarette-package-sized radio, its antenna quivering. From this sprang tiny copper wires which ended in a dainty cone plugged into her right ear. There she was, oblivious to man and dog, listening to far winds and whispers and soap-opera cries, sleep-walking, helped up and down curbs by a husband who might just as well not have been there. This was not fiction'
RE: CoD Ancient Rome game...
@toreadorfool That makes a lot of sense; basically we're playing in a world with the acceptance of werewolves and vampires and whatnot existing, so the idea that gender and social equality also exists shouldn't strain anyone's suspension of disbelief.
RE: nWorld of Darkness 1E v 2E
GarouMUSH ran for a good number of years; but their mechanics were strange and everything was glacial in terms of advancement, so...
RE: Recipes!
I've been considering an instant pot; but first something's going to have to pry my hands away from my cast iron. Every time I start thinking about getting a new or different food preparation vessel, I just end up buying another Lodge.
No, really. I might have a problem. I was looking at barbecue skewers and some new silicon brushes - ended up coming away with this instead:
https://shop.lodgemfg.com/specialty/cast-iron-melting-pot.asp?gclid=CjwKCAjwyrvaBRACEiwAcyuzRGBghjPp-phwemOja9XTQlavS6EcDnRlAH_MvhEcvkoyuhcfKqy1KhoCtd0QAvD_BwE -
RE: SW: Dawn of the Jedi - Modified d20 Saga (Pre Old Republic Era)
And hey, since it's Legends; Mandalorians can still be a race (or, y'know, Taung - until Mandalore the First is born)