@sunny hey now!
Posts made by mietze
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@sunny said in Regarding administration on MSB:
@arkandel said in Regarding administration on MSB:
To me the ability to stick together even when we don't like each other very much is the reason this place exists.
Huh. That's a really good/interesting point. A lot. It's not what I would have said the reason is, but I think you're actually dead on accurate. Thanks.
Agreed 1000 percent. (Which autocorrect keeps trying to change to pervert.)
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@surreality what does bored have anything to do with it. I was responding to that statement in my reply. I don’t care about bored (sorry dude). But! I did express my dismay over behavior that occurred earlier, on multiple fronts, from the mod team. Should I assume you were telling me to shut up and go make my own board? Maybe, but I assumed not. I think there are any number of us that when a certain subject comes up are groaning internally and anticipate Ye Olde Retelling Of Stories From Bygone Eras and Events that we’ve heard a thousand times over sometimes literally decades. I just don’t see discussing moderation (which is a pretty fresh subject for this crowd) is any different than the subjects I mentioned previously.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@surreality said in Regarding administration on MSB:
@miss-demeanor said in Regarding administration on MSB:
You aren't the only one that sees the not-so-subtle correlations between staffers who are acting in ways that they would ban people for on their own games. Its being noted with high amusement.
Consider this thirded emphatically.
General note: it's seriously annoying to see the board explode in a fit every time the mods do something, and it does. It's almost always the same handful of people complaining, and honestly, at this point, I wish they'd make their own forum, moderated in their preferred fashion, rather than dragging this one into the proverbial toilet of 'argue about every single mod action for pages on end'.
This seems rather “shut up” to me, but perhaps I misread.
Because again, every time on other subjects brought up we do seem to rehash the same stories and reactions and gnashing of teeth almost verbatim.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
People can say whatever they want. It doesn’t make anything happen, only one person can do that, and he’s been plain, IMO,on both situations I’ve seen discussed here. So does it matter any more than people who won’t stop criticizing a play style or something someone else likes? No, unless it shows that truly that person is upset about it/concerned about it and you know what to expect from them on that subject.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@surreality i don’t see your point. You disagree, that’s great, but no more not-subjective than someone who does see two offenses. Or more. I don’t understand the argument here. You’re tire of seeing people complain about this, I get it. But that doesn’t mean that universally that’s the standard for people shutting up any more than you should be told you can’t be personally annoyed by it. And it doesn’t make people feel the way they feel less strongly to hear someone else say it’s stupid. Not sure that ever works for anyone.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@surreality also worth noting that it’s very rare that anyone agrees at all on anything here. Even who/what constitutes bad actors.
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
I guess when I really think about it, the characters I am most fond of have nothing to do with how they were constructed/what I imagined them going to be/my plans being or not being actualized...but about the caliber of people who shaped and molded and challenged them which was /never ever me/. Not to say that things were perfect oocly atmospherically, they weren’t and I think passionate and invested people are always going to create a little chafing or even drama because of the challenging each other and forcing you to think on your feet and lose and go off course and branch out.
But pretty much all my favorite and truly happy times where I couldn’t wait to log on and see what would happen and where the play infected my daydreams...it was less the character and more the dynamic of the talented writers/collaborators/friends that I’ve found.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
Across how many threads and months and months was there constant discussion about how RfK players were unilaterally the devil/how dare any place not incorporate x from RfK slapfights? Which wasn’t particularly fun for us non-harassing but still sad ex-players either. I mean...it happens. Upsetting/uncomfortable/boring rehashes happen here. Like all the ducking time. Perhaps we should take it as a sign people actually care and have a lot in common because this is a remarkably people thing to do.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@surreality eh. If I have to sit through people screaming about ts sluts ruining a game every few months for fucking years, or people invoking the omg you are a horrible person if you do/don’t allow secret staff alts or omg someone is licking someone as a greeting on channel or omfg is it spider or anyone who does/doesn’t want social stats to mean anything in a game or who likes/does t like systems where they are ic coercive must be a lame-ass unable to handle anything bad happening to their pc wimp/rapist wannabe ad nauseum...
I don’t think conversation for a few months about a radical change in moderation is either all that repetative or even alarming.
It is the nature of a discussion board that repetative threads come up. At least major discussion takes place in one on this subject with burps now and then elsewhere.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored regardless of whether it’s problematic to anyone, it’s been done several times with no guidelines against it. I think it is very clear that mods can and shall speak up at their own discretion in whatever tone they please.
You can argue against it every time if you want to, but pretty sure it’s not going to change.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
Additionally, the logging in to harass people is constantly called out here. I do it tons myself. Including when people are “kidding” about it.
It is a community standard that it’s unacceptable, which is why probably some folks felt insulted or wtf when a moderator responded as if it was not a community standard before any of the recent moderators were moderators.
Again, I don’t give a shit, I can understand why it might be eyerollery to people. I don’t think the action was either out of line with precedents that have been set nor does it make anything worse. But I also think it’s silly for people to get upset at feathers being ruffled because folks are still settling in to seeing very visible moderation.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@wolfs why are you directing this at me?
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored it’s the same privileges they’ve always had to speak, though. And I think it’s clear that moderator consensus is not required before housekeeping (like moving a thread/splitting or saying something about off topic or this.). So there wasn’t anything special about this action.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored but any moderator clearly has the authority to speak as a mod. I mean that is absolutely crystal clear, even when there is not consensus.
There was not a “AND ANY WHO DO SO SHALL BE SITEBANNED AND PUNISHED ON THE WORD OF THESE GOOD MUSHSTAFF!!!!” added to it. That would be overstepping authority so far as I know. Nothing has been mentioned about anyone but ark being able to unilaterally ban/silence anyone in their own individual judgement.
But make comments? That’s already clearly part of the perks, no overstepping authority.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
Like I said, yes it was rather silly. But you know, I have done silly and relatively harmless things in the name of Jesus CHRIST fine WILL you shut UP, myself...on game and off.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
I think /community members/ are responding to perceived disrespect to /the community/.
Nobody cares what the staff of that place think because when people go off the “we shall punish you for posting elsewhere!” deep end, you’re showing your unwashed ass.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
@bored i think with this particular group of staffers on that mush, silence and anything said would be seen as confirmation of their paranoia.
So nothing made the situation “worse” in the context of response them. I don’t think anything would have mattered.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
And to clarify, I would not really have considered WORA to have administration at all (though I know there were keyholders.)
On MSB people have been banned for threatening and gross PMs and posts, admin have stepped in from time to time (but not really participated to the same degree personally).
And yet, they still had to deal with people freaking out over widgets or lack thereof, purpose (like when people quit because it wasn’t all free for all all the time). Perhaps people by complaining are expressing gratitude for that style of mostly hands off from neutral appearing folks? Dunno.
But it’s not like people didn’t fuss. It’s just...fussage happens. It’s really not special or exceptional, and honestly is pretty damn tame comparatively so maybe everyone admin and participant should be grateful to each other.
RE: Regarding administration on MSB
I would kind of hope that admin here don’t especially like the sentiment that because they’re not total psychos like they could be people should shut up and be grateful.
If this was the community standard, then every time someone posted something untoward or concerning about staff or player behavior here, people would be like “what are you bitching about, it’s not Spider. Be grateful it’s not her at least, you don’t have anything to complain about.”
The thing is, MSB unlike WORA does have a history of hands off, non chiding administration. Where modding has not taken a turn for the sarcastic. That is the standard that people are used to here, from a pragmatic perspective.
I don’t realky give a crap if things change (those I admit I was not at all impressed with the calling people stupid/children part and the doubling down of “well of course no one should apologize unless they want to”—which rather /is exactly/ the attitude/tactic that many game runners take to any misunderstanding/misstep and we all have seen it and know how easy it is to step into it too, at least anyone whose staffed for any length of time.
So honestly I don’t get the handwringing over the handwringing. It seems logical to expect that for the time being people are going to be wary. It’s like what, less than 8 weeks out?