I think it's worse because I actually don't mind pork rinds.

Controversial posts made by Monogram
RE: The 100: The Mush
RE: The 100: The Mush
But they're little green wafers. Who the hell would want to eat that? Sounds boring. What would that even taste like? Beyond tasting like people.
RE: The 100: The Mush
@Kestrel said in The 100: The Mush:
Why are you assuming, if you are assuming, that this is what anti-Ark players actually OOCly intend? (And @Cupcake for that matter.)
I wouldn't say it's an assumption, but nobody seems to be really hiding that the fact that that's what they want to do. From what I've heard(which could be completely incorrect). And if I'm wrong, I have no issue with someone pointing out just how wrong I am.
RE: The 100: The Mush
@Lithium I'm not. I'm only listing my own personal concerns, nothing more than that. I'm not trying to play judge or anything like that.
And I'm more than happy to be proven wrong. Hell, I /want/ to be proven wrong. This is just borne from previous experience, nothing more.
RE: The 100: The Mush
@Three-Eyed-Crow Playing a Grounder is the bee's knees. I like my Grounder more than my Delinquent at this particular moment. I highly suggest this. Besides, could use more of them.