Calm def. has a point. WoD is typically an adults only game, behaving like an adult includes reacting to mature themes and images.
And it does say more about the observer. I think my reactions say that I like to see what I like to see specifics and peculiarities that closer define my tastes:
Personally it's a huge turnoff for me to see the usual skank/bikini clad hoe. Why? Cuz it's so REGULAR, so usual, so expected. The whole photoshopped tons of makeup chick model sprawled out with the puss to the sun? It's not hot for me, that's just Cosmo.
Alternative beauty on the other hand, punky or rowdy or rebel, half clothed or not, is always interesting. Just.... something outside the cosmo element
Otherwise = Bored by your predictable standard of 'beauty.' Also scars. Can someone photoshop some scars?
Same with dudes. I don't know if complete fags are playing dudes, but what's with all the 'I'm lifting my own shirt up look at me i'm sexy' pics. Those make me vomit a little in my mouth, even if I like dudes, I develop a kind of repulsion to that particular character. And the types of dudes are your typical cosmo clad bastards too.
I'm all for representation of character first, hotness second, though it doesn't bother me looking at those things, other than that I will judge the player/character by them. I say that Wikis should have freedom of Images/Content, just leave the judgement bit up to everyone individually because... well, all it does is show us your tastes, we will like them or not :P.
Here is my character page.
As you can see on the bottom I do have a totally random topless link that's drawn (not photography), but it fits to how I view this char, and he is very often topless when performing, so, why the f not? He is a very passionate character, so if there were more pics I'd proly put them up there. Just a preference. All I'm saying is MY preference is better than most cosmo bullshit (And that's how we find RP partners... people who are more like us!) Ban that, ban freedom of speech/images, it's tougher to find RP partners, and tougher to judge people by their tastes, but will still happen :
P.S. Took me like a week to find this char pic, its a guy from a band from 2-3 decades ago.