Hey it's 3:49 a.m. and it's real interesting! I love that IRC is (or was) still being used as a medium for communication. Anyone here played Ultima Online? We had an IRC channel there on many "shards." That was my first RPG for 5 years until someone mentioned Mush-Mudding to me. Not anything specific either, just that word. I googled it and next thing I knew, I was writing and found it way more flexible than the 2D graphic game system that only allowed a pose the length of a tweet. Still, Ultima was Fun but Mushing is the Best!

Posts made by Nikodin
RE: How did you discover text-based gaming?
RE: People Who Want to RP With Other People
I figured I'd shout here since City of Hope is popping lately and the Institute seems to gather interest. I'm Nikodin on CoH, joined about a month+ ago. A friend and I made this organization: http://coh.spork.com/index.php?title=Institute that could really use STAFF for this organization at this point since everyone else are persons of interest. Per Staff, technocrats following a closed internal PrP, as well as agents. I'd also like to see more Vampires personally, as affiliated with Derrick's character or even Niko. So far it seems to be the best mindfuck type of place but we definitely have to work for it, loads of building, jobs, etc. Institute underwent a hostile takeover by Technocracy; what it was before makes sense for other Supers. Contact me if interested!
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
Calm def. has a point. WoD is typically an adults only game, behaving like an adult includes reacting to mature themes and images.
And it does say more about the observer. I think my reactions say that I like to see what I like to see specifics and peculiarities that closer define my tastes:
Personally it's a huge turnoff for me to see the usual skank/bikini clad hoe. Why? Cuz it's so REGULAR, so usual, so expected. The whole photoshopped tons of makeup chick model sprawled out with the puss to the sun? It's not hot for me, that's just Cosmo.
Alternative beauty on the other hand, punky or rowdy or rebel, half clothed or not, is always interesting. Just.... something outside the cosmo element
Otherwise = Bored by your predictable standard of 'beauty.' Also scars. Can someone photoshop some scars?
Same with dudes. I don't know if complete fags are playing dudes, but what's with all the 'I'm lifting my own shirt up look at me i'm sexy' pics. Those make me vomit a little in my mouth, even if I like dudes, I develop a kind of repulsion to that particular character. And the types of dudes are your typical cosmo clad bastards too.
I'm all for representation of character first, hotness second, though it doesn't bother me looking at those things, other than that I will judge the player/character by them. I say that Wikis should have freedom of Images/Content, just leave the judgement bit up to everyone individually because... well, all it does is show us your tastes, we will like them or not :P.
Here is my character page. http://profiles.newprospectmush.com/index.php/Nikodin
As you can see on the bottom I do have a totally random topless link that's drawn (not photography), but it fits to how I view this char, and he is very often topless when performing, so, why the f not? He is a very passionate character, so if there were more pics I'd proly put them up there. Just a preference. All I'm saying is MY preference is better than most cosmo bullshit (And that's how we find RP partners... people who are more like us!) Ban that, ban freedom of speech/images, it's tougher to find RP partners, and tougher to judge people by their tastes, but will still happen :
P.S. Took me like a week to find this char pic, its a guy from a band from 2-3 decades ago.
RE: Chrysalis Mush: A Consent-Based, Sheet-Free, Adult WoD-inspired game seeks Staff/Builders
@Sunny As one of my builders once said, if I look at code, it breaks. That's me too! All I have to offer is a reliable host and imagination (unfortunately wish I could offer more!). Therefore making a wiki for code lists about things I don't even know would probably break the said wiki and my mind. Alas building can continue the old fashioned way. Something may pop up down the line.
RE: Chrysalis Mush: A Consent-Based, Sheet-Free, Adult WoD-inspired game seeks Staff/Builders
Just a heads up here.
Not much been happening on Chrys due to RL. I have moved and now whilst unpacking will have more time to focus on this project. Got a few builders interested, mostly friends and RP partners from here or there. Still need a Coder, however, either TinyMux platform or Rhost (Will switch if such a coder is found). Mostly looking for someone to help code an 'insta build' type of system, something easy for player's use since players will be building and influencing the grid heavily. Coder would be necessary just for that, to help the place get built up faster so we can get a few storylines started/continued.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Arkandel The beef is mostly for being lured/baited OOCly. From an IC POV: No, they didn't know, they claimed tracking. A neutral staff member watched it all happen, not gona blame him/her. Didn't take any points in Haven for protection so pretty much slept in some sewer, even though ICly was working on joining this pretty well secured family/house. Not enough time to really establish anything in 2 weeks of existence.
Good to know these chats aren't logged. It's just that with coders I talked to, there is a way to pull it up on God chracter, nobody ever does it except in situations of hacking/etc. I now log everything of course, may even have that log somewhere in my giant heap of files, duno.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
@Corruption Boy this is way more treatment than My death ever got. I engaged a player in pages over a chat. That was back when I was nice and didn't know anyone there. He kept telling me he wanted to get fed from, violently. I should have known, back then, but I was still new to WoD. So he tells me more and more he wants that violent feeding. It didn't really have 'sexual' themes per se other than that my character was attracted to males. He RPed like shit, barely composed sentences. I should have left. Instead, being a people pleaser, I gave him that 'violent feeding.' On the next day 3 werewolves come to my haven as I sleep, and just PK me. Just off me. My death never got retconned or looked into. Staffers were sympathetic with me, several dedicated to helping me out. However, Troy was, as I said in a previous post, an uncooperative cunt.
Why am I posting this here? Because there was OOC flirting. Because apparently that player said I 'sexually harassed him' to build his case. I thought they logged pages and chats? All it had to take was to look at those. I learned that years later he was banned because he did this to several more people. Still, doesn't change that I had an awful experience on the Reach, and that Troy can't deal with problems like this maturely. And NOW I just do consent based MU*s, plus working on one :P.
Hope this shows how people can use this bullshit OOCly to fuck with people and get players killed. On large MU*s it's way harder to police things like that, and people like that.
RE: Sexual themes in roleplay
Sex is part of human nature. It's normal. RPing anything is normal. The worst and most fucked up taboos should be Rped between consentual parties, in my opinion. Because this is our imagination land. Now me personally? I TS rarely. Like, once a month or less. Not because I have it on schedule, but because I'm completely turned off by whores/slutty characters. The kind of slutty that's just out there for TS, thinks in terms of sex, and overall exists for sex. I like depth and tension and story. I think sexual tension is way more awesome and adds much more to character development than the outright fucking. It's the 'things we want but can't get' that I think helps shape a character.
On the other hand, TS should be a personal preference for everyone. Some people do it, some people don't, some people do it a lot. That doesn't make them bad or good, it's just a thing. It's like liking slice of life RP versus Action-packed RP. As long as it's all separate from OOC, and as long as character's interactions stay IC, it's all good. Jealousy IC is awesome, jealousy OOC is not, is what I mean.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
Hah! I use lol, rofl, heh, haha, hah and tehehe and 'snickers' and 'chuckles' and sometimes I give my shit eating grin. Don't judge how peeps express funsies. Though I do wanna face-rape this smiley: ^.^ ........ smack
Damn. Looks like I just judged.
RE: Downtime
@Chime I don't think the game owner's behavior is acceptable. It's incredibly nice of you to provide hosting for free. Before I hosted my game through a professional host, I also used a free service. That gentleman was very nice and sweet, however because it was free, there was often a downtime, more than promised. While it was free I also donated $15, and wanted to continue donating, but the service turned out unreliable. I had mentioned that, and finding out that it was out of his control as the servers were only checked every Monday, I simply decided to move. If there was anything I was entitled to, I would never go about being rude about it, especially for a free service and choosing to donate. I still think he is a nice guy and provides great service for just-starting games, but if anyone has a problem with anyone else's hosting, they need but to move on rather than being sore losers about it. Don't let him bring you down
Thanks for the free services you offer.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
@Sunny Try smoking CBD strains, oils in particular. Although some tolerance will need to be established for medical means to work with a clear head, they impact the mental state least because CBD is the pain-killing component of cannabis, while THC gets you high. My favorite strain for headaches and body aches: Harley Quinn. Great in a vape pen, though for professional/medical use, I recommend investing in an errlectric nail so you don't burn too much butane when dabbing away. Live Resin is best.
An awkward situation with someone wanting to help...
Hmm. I've had an interesting experience.
Today a person emailed me in the request to build for Chrysalis. In the past I have had such contacts, and they have gone through simple chats to interest to getting to know one another and working together.
This person was different. He was very short-spoken, never more than a sentence or two in either expression or answer. Talking to him felt as though I was pulling 'it' out of him. The conversation did not feel natural, but what are 'vibes' in a purely text-based medium? He said he's only played on one MU* and not had any experience in WoD or even modern MU*s and only built fantasy.
I started thinking. It's perfectly viable he answered a call on MudConnect, however.. offering to help right away without any ties to the theme and claiming to 'love' my ideas seemed... strange to me. Especially when he asked me for the MU*'s address but it was right there in both the post and the website (Which points at him possibly not even reading those?) Hmm I wonder if perhaps the vibe had been biased, or if I had cause. Some brains work differently, but for someone who crafts places with words to be... well, so different? Perhaps he came from an actual combat Mud?
Either way.. when I had asked him that very question, of why is he interested in this place having been fired/and/forgotten by his other place... he shows interest here, with his answer being "Just want a place to build is all." and then disconnecting...
What does this mean!?
The coders and builders -I- know are very.. approachable, easy, open. They may be extremely into coding or even speak C++ but they are also full of expression. IRL of course I have met geniuses who lack social graces.. but in a word-based medium, I wonder if my call had been right in finding this weird? And how to deal with this in the future, and what signs to look for if in fact that may have been a brilliant builder with .. different communication skills?
RE: Chrysalis Mush: A Consent-Based, Sheet-Free, Adult WoD-inspired game seeks Staff/Builders
Well it's definitely not for everyone.
The majority of WoD players always preferred stats and battle systems. It makes things easier. I myself host a D&D game every Sunday, so I know the pleasure of charts. On the good side: they bring out the gamer in everyone, help push forward creativity with a little pre-established help of things to choose from, but doing things from scratch? That's hard. Very few are drawn to having to work hard on character consistency, story building, and creativity with only freedom and inspiration as guidance. I'm lucky even one person showed interest (Thanks Sundown!).
On the other hand, going consentual with a family of friends or those who become thus in such a small place, there isn't any drama... Crazy right? There are many people out there who want to play dark games, but have preferences for this type of RP or that. We communicate these preferences. I know players out there who have undergone OOC psychological trauma and may not take to certain types of RP, but still want to play. These limits are respected and worked with :). I myself adore dark and gritty and thus, when my character is hurt/blackmailed/etc. by a friend's character, the spirit of good sportsmanship prevails with the little help of knowing that they are really on my side, and they are really here to tell a story.
Not to say this is better than WoD or anything like that. Just that it is a different MU* for a different taste! Sometimes we like charts, sometimes we want to go on a Haitus to London. It's a place to get away for existing characters should they want to as well. They are likewise welcome to take their experiences from here to any other WoD MU* or any MU* at all. We make no claim to ownership of anyone's characters
I don't think anyone else does either.
And a little update: Today the builders decided to branch out and make a fictional district in London, thus, no one is pressed to recreate or be bound to, say, building Big Ben or Westminster Abbey. The District allows for more creativity, original places, and a smaller setting, rather than a huge spread-out grid of London!
And somehow through all this building and tearing down grids RP is still happening hah!
RE: Chrysalis Mush: A Consent-Based, Sheet-Free, Adult WoD-inspired game seeks Staff/Builders
Mmm Morgan Freeman.
Chrysalis is an ADULT MU*, meaning all players must be 18+ to play due to mature themes. The main theme being horror and roleplay. Welcome to see the site for more information
Further into development will add a personal rating section for types of RP.