We may need to recognize that what we have is a clash between two mutually exclusive outlooks in roleplaying. There is the old-school game master style, such as in D&D, where the DM is the final arbiter of all, and there are the newer storgames with very limited GM power (Mouse Guard Tabletop) or no GM at all (Microscope, Mystic Empyrean). The first doesn't really allow for the GM to be a player in his own game world: someone else's sure, but not his own. It's hard to run a dungeon crawl where the person who made the dungeon is a player. They're going to know where all the traps, treasure, and secret doors are.
The only tabletop RPG that managed to pull it off somewhat was Ars Magica with its troupe style play; however it works, because everyone that plays eventually gets to GM. In essence everyone is staff and the rules are built around the setting so there aren't too mane secret bits that only the GM knows, except for what is secret in the self-contained adventure they are running. The overall metaplot and development of the convent is steered by all players, so it is more akin to the no GM style.
Perhaps the solution is that, if you wish to play and experience character development and staff, then your server needs to run with a system geared towards joint GMing by all players. If you want one where a select number of the players are staff and serve as final arbiter, a la White Wolf, D&D, etc, then you have to accept that choosing to be staff means you don't get to enjoy the perks of being a player.