@rizbunz Hard for me to answer, to be honest, given that I grew up there in the 90s and I'm an Anglophone. Things Franco culture like old school music are a bit outside my realm.
Perhaps, like I said, you can have tensions between the minority of Anglophone and the majority of Francophones as an example. Divided loyalties, maybe - those who wanted to keep Canada independent (as part of the Commonwealth, or whatever followed it in game chronology), those who were pro-American and threw their lots in with the occupiers, and those who were isolationalist. The French would probably fall into the latter camp often, but that might be another division.
Of course, this is long ago now. Groups remain the same. You can also have the Church, which was monolithic and very important in French society until the 60s, be a big player in this world, perhaps. There's also a sizeable Mohawk reserve south of the city (Kahnawake) that could EASILY make a comeback as a potent force, and would actually be very cool to see in this.