One of the subsystems in its draft form, for the process by which characters can discover new flora and fauna, capture and study it, and eventually cultivate it for use by the colony (if it is able to be used for that).
The purpose here is to provide a blueprint for players to run the process with minimal bottlenecks from staff, and to know exactly what they need to do to achieve an end result, while leaving a lot of room for playing things out.
Discovering New Food
While it is definitely possible to just start chowing down on purple grass or that twelve-legged bug that was crawling up your trousers and hope for the best, that’s not likely to be the best way to find a stable supply of food for the 100+ colonists who have been awakened. Much less the thousands of colonists to come. There are four phases of creating a viable source of food for the colony:
Exploration: First, you have to find whatever it is you want to try to eat (or build with, or make clothes from, etc.) out in the wilderness. This requires a +job or a PRP to go out and find samples of whatever it is you want to develop. You can highlight a specific plant/animal/material that comes up in a scene, or you can specify certain criteria (“I want to find small, fast-breeding meat producers.”) that you think the colony might need. Someone will have to make a Survival roll vs 6 + the number of specific criteria (So, “I want to find an edible vegetable” is a straight 6 but might find you anything from a tuber that feeds on blood to a sour grain that froths into a fermenting foam almost immediately when ground, while “I want to find a sweet vegetable appropriate for making Earth-style breads and pastries that can be cultivated easily near the ship” would be an 8, because you’re asking for two specifics beyond ‘edible vegetable’ - that it has a sweet taste, and that it can be cultivated easily near the colony ship.) in your search. Failure on this roll usually means that the sample is guaranteed to have some significant drawback that will have to be overcome before it can be added to the food supply. A crushing success on this roll usually means that the sample is guaranteed to reveal some un-asked-for benefit that can be exploited if the sample is thoroughly studied and cultivated.
Capture: Once a viable sample has been located, play a scene to secure it. This might be run by staff, but can also be run by the players or another player based on the information returned by the job or PrP runner. This doesn’t have to be a dangerous scene, but it can be, and depending on what you’re looking for, there might be an inherent difficulty: for example, if you want to try to domesticate a native animal for a battle-capable beast of burden, you’re probably going after something large, brave, and with defensive capabilities - that has no fear of humans. Have fun!
Study: Once you have samples and can return them to the ship, there will usually be a Medical Sciences and a Chemical Sciences check, at a minimum, to see if the sample can serve as a food source right out of the field, if it will need specialized breeding or genetic alteration, or if it has unexpected or unsuitable side-effects. Success on the roll will usually uncover the sample's mechanical effects after a set time period, while failure on the roll will only uncover a few of them, positive or negative. Characters can study multiple times, but they generally require fresh samples to do so, which should be acquired through scenes. You can, of course, choose to skip this step and simply consume the item! This may lead to character death, illness, or entertaining side-effects, but it is absolutely an option. Choosing to consume native fauna and flora without studying it first is considered to be consenting to all potential consequences.
Cultivate: Assuming that something has been found to be safe for consumption, either through the rigorous process of study by qualified professionals, or by shoving it in your face and seeing what happens, then it can be cultivated provided the proper skills and conditions are available. This is considered a Project. Once the Project is complete, it’s assumed that the item has now been added to the list of the colony’s resources and that scavenging patrols are regularly hunting/harvesting it. This raises the Colony’s morale and health by a set amount based on the food quality of the item and any special attributes it might have, as well as if it is a new ‘niche’ (a type of food that the colony doesn’t currently have a lot of, like meat, or starch, or fiber). Successful cultivation also serves as a positive event to affect the colony's survivability rating.