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Posts made by Quinn
RE: The Work Thread
We've been making 'pick me up' bags for teachers in our districts because yeah. That's gonna really suck hard this year.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I am a shitty teacher to little kids, which came as a shock to me because I had always wanted to be a grade school teacher when i was younger but wow is everyone lucky that did not happen. I just do not have the patience for it. Grade school teachers are SAINTS.
We'll be full-remote with a first grader who was already assigned to a literacy group because...well we're not sure if it's an actual learning disability or if she just gets bored and it's nearly impossible to tell at this age. I'm PRETTY sure what they flagged her for (not knowing all her letter sounds) was incorrect and that when they sat her down to do all 26 letter sounds she got bored and started just saying "I don't knoooooow" so they'd leave her alone and let her go do an art activity. They were supposed to evaluate her starting in April buuuuuut...
So I'm terrified. I'm terrified she's going to fall further behind, I'm terrified that I don't have the patience to encourage her like her teachers would be in school since I'm also working. But we've got another two whole weeks until school starts I believe. And I'm not so sure our teachers won't strike about having to go into the classroom even if they're teaching remote so. I guess I'm glad that she only got a couple months of school so she doesn't really know what she's missing yet?
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Post office jobs are not steady anymore if you're in the states. Like, I definitely would not take that one with what's currently going on and how I wouldn't be surprised to see a Trump second term.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Kestrel This is basically my life today since our town voted to remove a racist high school logo and you can imagine the facebook town page right now.
Luckily after thinking better of responding to racists for awhile I decided NO NOT IN MY TOWN and now I'm in several Facebook fights and I feel pretty good about it.
But seriously. Fuck racists.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
We just bought a new house. It needs a lot of work, but it's way better than the one bedroom place we were in that was super tiny. Way too tiny for two people, definitely too tiny for four people. But as a result my kids are NOT used to stairs and this thing has stairs everywhere: front porch, back porch, going to the second floor and basement!
My parents dropped off a set of really cute pink chairs and tables for the kids to have outside. Since the back deck is not up to code I asked that they take them out to the front porch so they can people watch or even better the side yard.
As I walked through the living room I see my four year old move her chair to the edge of the stairs and sit. I start to run and put my hand on the screen door handle as she tips backwards and falls, hitting forehead first, twisting, then flipping down six old fashioned 60's concrete stairs.
I honestly thought I was watching her die or break all her arms and legs or her neck. She was screaming, my older daughter went tearing through the house screaming for my husband, the teenager across the street who watched it all went yelling inside for his mom to help, and I scooped her up and started checking her all over. No broken arms, no broken legs, no broken collarbone. As I walked her to the garage to get the car in case we had to go to the ER she cracked a joke and started laughing.
The only injury she had and I have NO IDEA how is a scrape her to forehead. It's not even bad. That's it. Pediatrician just had us watch her for four hours for any weird behavior (vomiting, dizziness, lethargy) because that's all the hospital would do. She's absolutely, totally fine.
This kid, man. Clumsy as hell but somehow, SOMEHOW has managed to avoid any serious injury. But today we're going to go learn the drive to the local hospital. Just in case.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Ominous Oh do I have a treat for you--each Daisy Scout gets a website and you can just order them online and have them shipped to you! Cookie time next year even if we're quarantined we are hitting people up hard through email.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My oldest was THE BEST at cookies! Like a god damn maverick. She asked to bring her form into school for her kindergarten teacher to order a box of thin mints. When we picked her up that day I asked if she gave it to her teacher and she said, "Yep! And some other people!"
She'd sold like 67 boxes. IN A DAY. She ended up with nearly 500 by the time we were done.
But because of COVID all the prizes are delayed. Stupid COVID.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I honestly wish Daisy scouts were that interesting.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@silverfox I feel you. We were on edge all day today because we needed the buyer of our place to sign an amendment moving the closing date up so that we could prove to our underwriter we really would have the money we needed at closing on the house we wanted to purchase. I barely slept all weekend.
At 4:47 they finally got the paperwork done. I AM STILL A BUNDLE OF WOUND NERVES!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Very low mortgage rates make it so lots of people that couldn't otherwise afford a mortgage can do so now, leading to a glut of buyers.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@RightMeow said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
My real life peeve is my own doing but still...
When you have to buy pretty much everything for a household because you are starting over. UGGGH. Why does it have to cost so much?
Couches are so expensive! Why are they so expensive?!?
RE: RL things I love
Digs are always so hilarious like that. Maybe not in Egypt where I'm told there are generations of diggers in the local area so they might all speak the same language, but when I was in Crete most of the senior staff spoke Greek and English, which was fine, but then the laborers they hired were from Armenia and while they were great with a pickaxe they took down EVERYTHING so we hastily had to learn 'good rock' and 'bad rock' in Armenian to get them to not take down the ancient rock walls we wanted to record first.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I had an antibody test thanks to my town doing random sampling. However, it was just a finger prick and I have a friend who actively works testing the tests (her lab has done about 40 of them because they do clinical trials and need to be absolutely sure their subjects have or have not had it) and she says that those ones are really unreliable. That the only ones that don't give false results most of the time are the ones that involve an honest to god blood draw.
Of the over 600 people in my town they tested I think only 40 showed up with antibodies. So either we've been really good at social distancing in a state that's been hit pretty hard, or those tests weren't great.
RE: Fantasy Avatar Generator
I'm annoyed there wasn't a smile that wasn't super creepy!
RE: Preference for IC Time On A Modern(ish) Game
I actually really like games that speed up time because then it makes more sense when two PCs meet one day and get married after knowing each other only a week when it's like a month in game time!
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Kestrel oh my god we had an employee absolutely shitting himself over that email and going to the head of IT security (since it was a work machine), who then came to me to say this was a really sensitive situation and what should we do about it.
I laughed and laughed and then was like "didn't you at least google this? It's a scam. They get username and passwords from hacked sites and stick them into a form letter that's riddled with typos."
I mean it's kind of clever but also let me google that for you.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My uncle died of covid this afternoon. Please take this seriously and stay inside and wash your hands and wear masks.