There's one guy who was on The Network and then on another game that I was on who would vault over boundaries. The second time he did it, he did it while not using his normal Ares handle so I wouldn't know it was him. (I figured it out on my own, anyway. He had very noticeable patterns.)
To quote a friend, "Consent that you have to lie to get isn't consent." Frankly, I don't understand how anyone can leave MUshing due to bad experiences and distrust and then complain that those of us who stayed want to be able to know who we associate with on a regular basis. That's a pretty big disconnect, thinking that it's OOC drama to ask for that information. It's not, it's called informed consent. If someone is on the receiving end of the question, that's not OOC drama, it's someone being self-protective due to past incidents, or actively trying to avoid OOC drama.
Hell, I know there's a number of people who don't want to RP with me. I do my best to respect that. I'm an acquired taste and I get that I'm not everyone's cuppa.