@surreality Well, damn. I'll try that out, thanks.

Best posts made by Royal
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@tragedyjones said:
We have at least one dragon species with game mechanics. I will send one to eat @Royal shortly after CG.
RE: Pineapple on Pizza
Pineapple on pizza is absolutely amazing if done appropriately. Some things just don't jive with it.
I'd kill for an Imo's large right now. Ham, pineapple, onions and that legendary provel cheese. Spend time in St. Louis and a thin crust pizza anywhere else is just a mockery.
RE: Royal's Playlist!
@Auspice said in Royal's Playlist!:
@Royal said in Royal's Playlist!:
Updated. Starting to build up alts again like some kind of maniac.
So when do I get to steal that fancy-ass gun?
(Intrigue here.)Gotta make it first. Then all bets are off.
RE: Coming in 2016 - Bump in the Night
@tragedyjones you say that now. Just wait. Watch. Witness the glory that is a Danny Devito looking maniac throwing molotovs to cleanse the battlefield.
RE: iOS client?
I use MUDMaster. Hasn't steered me wrong before. Especially for light and easy use.
RE: DC Rebirth
@Tempest Surely you jest. One dude totally needs to play Batman, Aquaman and Green Arrow!
RE: Comics Stuff
Ultimate FF was good. No argument there. Doom is a phenomenal villain. Also true.
Original style FF still sucks dirty pennies.
RE: Flitcraft's Playlist
Murphy was probably my favorite Hunter. That straight faced terminator. Fighting sharks in cyborg Valhalla.
RE: RenoMUSH - The Biggest Little Game on the Net
@tragedyjones said:
Also, starting next Wednesday, is DUDES OF LEGEND 2: LEGEND HARDER
Aaaaaand now I plot a return to the wasteland.
RE: Retail "Horror" Stories
@Cobaltasaurus it's my right to wear cat piss to camouflage myself from predators! You can't take that away from me!
@Miss-Demeanor Thirty something. Disasterously entitled and not shy about it.
RE: "Flag this post for moderation"
@Thenomain recognizes the power in the 'stache and nothing is more powerful than a Kryptonian mustache.
Okay, maybe a Kryptonian Fire Fighter mustache. But we dare not speak of that aloud.
RE: Pokemon Go
Heard there was a park nearby that's lousy with Dratini. Rolled up at 8pm and there were atleast a couple hundred people there. Bonkers!
RE: Arkandel's Playlist
Patrick is hilariously/maddeningly blind to his own ridiculousness. Work horse though.
RE: Kay's Playlist: Crucible City (first one),TR & HM & Darkwater etc
Heeeeey, you were part of Atlas! I played Horatio. Good to see you jumping back into things. You can catch me on Fallcoast as Sand(Mage) or Mack(Promethean).
RE: Royal's Playlist!
Updated to include HeroMux and my new Promethean(saying that still feels weird).
RE: Chronicles of Darkness Game: Seeking help
I'm with @Olsson on this one.