Just me throwing out a random number here... 10? Like, total? I dunno. Could convert some to Mystery Cults. Those are always neat.

Best posts made by Royal
RE: City of Shadows
RE: General Video Game Thread
@apu @Sonder and I are getting ours tonight. Great skin for a great cause.
RE: Descent Reboot
Wasteland Lost Boys cooking serums and talking upgrades around a slowly roasting cannibal bandit?
RE: Ignore
@ThatOneDude I found that article to be both helpful and informative.
RE: Lucha Underground
I turned that on a couple months back on a whim. Hadn't watched that sort of thing in a decade or so. I was quickly hooked.
It loses steam here lately(maybe that's just me or the hiatus they had) but still solid fun to watch. Over the top in every way.
RE: Descent Reboot
@shelbeast Ideas. I has thems. I'll message you and such.
RE: Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce
@sonder said in Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce:
@kay said in Visit Fallcoast, sponsored by the Fallcoast Chamber of Commerce:
All I want for Christmas is a lovely goon squad of pastel suited, sunglassified and coked and/or otherwise drugged to their gills Cheiron people to roll into town with. Effiepper will have a fantastic time in Miami.
@Royal -- I found a perfect concept for you.
Challenge accepted.
RE: Comics Stuff
@tragedyjones said:
Spider-Man will be in the film per Sony.
Because Sony needs that monaaaaaay(They also may have realized they suck at this movie gig).
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
@tragedyjones Stone was a rockstar. His instrument was pain.
RE: MSB Popularity Contest
I didn't even have to do the math. Eat it, suckers! I'm a ROYALPERSON.
RE: Characters You Enjoyed Playing
@tragedyjones What a strange coincidence, right?
RE: Safe Haven Harbor is seeking a few good players!
I just want to know if cannibalism has been accepted as the only form of power stat regains. I have no concerns about my pre-emptive ban existing or not existing. I just need to know how apocalyptic it is. I need to know.
RE: World of Darkness -- Alternative Settings
Post Apoc WoD will always draw me in.
Miami in the 80's is also bizarre enough to count as... well, pretty much anything outside of reality.
RE: Anyone interested in starting a new nWoD game?
My want to see a Promethean game is strong as it is tragic.
RE: MSB Popularity Contest
Very serious funsies. Tiaras are goddamned important.
1.14 over here. The shame I have brought upon my household. Shame!
RE: Pick Your Poison: A Chronicle of Darkness Interest Check
While I really, really like the homebrewed covenants shindig of BWHB, I have to side with the Hunter folks. It's not been done to death.