Namor is the original Anti-Hero. All hail the king.

Best posts made by Royal
RE: New Comic/Superhero Themed MU*
RE: Darinelle's Playlist
@Faceless You goddamn better still heart me. And yeah, once life relaxes a bit. I may pirate it up in that Arx neck of the woods.
RE: Dead Celebrity Thread
I am not fucking okay with this. Take another Bowie! Give us back Abe!
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
@tragedyjones said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
Well, all downhill from there.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I now feel boring as fuck for playing heterosexual men all the time.
RE: New forum toy!
Also: I now no longer have to use words to respond in my usually half assed way. I can now use even less of my ass!
RE: Comics Stuff
Pushing back the Captain Marvel movie has pushed back my giving a shit about the next Spider-man movie.
RE: Recycling characters
I used to see it as a lack in creativity. Nowadays, I'm seeing it more as a time saver or a return to a classic.
RE: Changes to The Hog Pit
My uninformed prediction: With the Hog Pit behind a wall, the crazies that don't see it will just spread their joyous lunacy as they see fit. If anything, it ensures misplaced asshattery.
RE: Retail "Horror" Stories
No, it is not the fault of your salesman or me in Service that you went 24 THOUSAND MILES without changing your oil. Ever. I am not sorry that you bricked your car. As a matter of fact, we all laughed. A lot.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
Since HBO went and half-assedly brought it out, no MU can do it any more harm...
DMZ Mush.
Everybody is broke, you're shot at for fun and nobody wins.
Unless you use Jason Mamoa as a PB, then you are granted a neighborhood to rule. Along with the other Warlord Mamoas.
RE: Changes to The Hog Pit
@Lithium said in Changes to The Hog Pit:
@Arkandel I wish the sports threads were behind a wall too.
I have yet to figure out how to turn off notifications AND HAVE IT WORK.
I still keep seeing threads pop up that I've turned notifications off on, like Haven or Firan or The Basketball Thread.
So yeah, putting stuff behind walls... maybe /everything/ should be behind walls, then you can pick and choose exactly which topics you want to read and see.
Settle down, Donald.
RE: Is the Anti-Cirno Vendetta still on?
I have a vendetta against you.
You suck.
RE: How do you make money?
Mostly sales for me. Everything from newspapers to(my favorite) liquidating casinos. These days? I'm shocking friends and family alike by starting a career as a diesel mechanic for a school.
Working with my hands and not having to fake a smile anymore. Kind of like it.
RE: Class/Society Systems, WoD
Status updates tied to grid locations? Sold.
XP spend wait times? Nah, son. That's the path of evil. Maybe that's just me though. I wait for stuff in my regular day to day. You think I want to actually wait for a more defined six pack and super sense of smell? No. No, I do not.
Absolutely love a grid reflected class system though.
RE: General Video Game Thread
Hell, I paid the full price when it came out. No regrets. Still playing Overwatch obsessively. The seasonal/holiday events and daily arcade match changes break up a bit of the repetition.
And Mercy is the true MVP, @Faceless . Don't lie to yourself.
Edit: Just realized I was about a month behind with that. Yeeeaah.
RE: Descent Reboot
Hell, that's an impressive grid there. Including Jeffco is a curve ball I can get behind too.
RE: Gamertags
XBL: AcidWashedGenes
Mostly going to catch me playing Overwatch. It still has me by the soul.