I've also seen sentiment that people don't actually care to wait and say. That is, they're not interested in the story full stop, even predicting some sort of time travel wonkiness, hidden reveal, etc. It's just not a fake out they're interested in seeing, that it reads like just a play for controversy and attention. There are certain types of stories that go too far against the grain for what people are interested in with a character, and I think this is one of them.
I haven't read much by Nick Spencer, the writer, to have an opinion of his history, but I already dislike the editor, Tom Brevoort, for lots of various reasons, and they've both had a sort of gleeful reaction to everyone's issues that puts a bad taste in my mouth. It's this sort of "hah hah look at all the people we're making mad, we must be doing something right!!" thing. Sometimes, yes, getting divisive reactions to something might mean that you're doing something right, you're building something thoughtful that people can have strong and varied reactions to. But there does exist situations where you just piss people off and it's not because you're building a great story. Brevoort has a long history of being wildly dismissive of any and all concerns addressed to him regarding his books, though. I've seen enough of his stuff over the years that I'm just really unimpressed with his work and his reaction to criticism.