@Taika said:
I've been tossing around the idea of working on a 2.0 game for a while.
There are a lot of second editions of things. You might want to start your sales pitch with something more descriptive rather than forcing people to scan through the whole post to figure out which game system's second iteration you're thinking of.
One with a near future 'world collapsing on itself' type of theme and active overarching loose plotline.
Define near future. Preferably with your choice of movies, books, TV shows, or video games to clarify the genre conventions you're looking for.
A code base (I know there's 2.0 code, but no idea how to install it. Oops.)
It's here, and it should be pretty easy to install. I'm going to do it in the near future and I'm not asking Theno for any help unless I really fuck up.
And ideas on location, etc. I can build and desc, etc, but not so hot at hammering out tiny details on my own.
Location isn't exactly a tiny detail. The specifics of which streets have coffee shops are tiny details. Your location should play into whatever big genre elements you want to emphasize. People might ignore it to some extent, but having a place that jives with your big themes helps the game feel cohesive.