@Ganymede Sadly, nope! I wish that were the case. The additional penalty only applies to the pilot facing you in the dogfight:
Elusive Dogfighter: When engaged in a dogfight, any enemy pilot engaged in the same dogfight takes a -10 penalty on attack rolls when you succeed on the opposed Pilot check (see Attacking in a Dogfight, page 171).
I think what they were GOING for is that if you succeed in the opposed Pilot check, -all- enemies shooting at you get a -10, like with the Jedi Guardian Talent Elusive Target.
To the @Arkandel 's point, yeah. If you're looked down on because you don't twink, that's bad. If people are willing to give you tips on building a character if you want them, I see that as good, but if they thrust them upon you whether you want them or not, and/or without even asking, that's bad.
And to be perfectly fair, at least on the game that DoD sprung from (Generations of Darkness), people talked a big game about building awesome +sheets, but stats were... unimportant. Except for the plots that I and a few others ran, the rules weren't followed and things were very freeform -- which can be good and bad. It can lead to awesome stories, or it can lead to the (just barely) Force Sensitive Zeltron Death Watch Mandalorian Empress of the jungle planet (yes, really) Tattooine using Move Light Object to lift a creature larger than a speeder, because obviously she is Force Sensitive, so she can lift big things, even if she doesn't have the Move Object Force Power.