Hi, MU*er with various shades of mental illness checking in:
I am an emotional RPer. If you know me personally, or if you just read this past statement and are banking on stereotypes, I guess this shouldn't be a shock.
This doesn't make me a bad person. It doesn't mean that I'm going to get obsessed with you, boil your bunny rabbit, tell people that you're a dick for something that happened IC when you were very kind OOC about it - just communicate with me.
Given the events of Jules being a manipulative and abusive asshole IC and OOC, I still get upset. If you want to play a mean character with me, that's fine. But when I'm playing v. mean on Svana these days, I will try to check on the people she's been a bitch to. Sometimes I get a response, sometimes I don't.
Of course, someone will argue with me and say that no one should talk OOC EVER because that's a HUGE part of the problem but you know, it's a suggestion, and one I personally find helpful with my compounded issues. So that's my take.