@Shebakoby said:
don't Americans run to their representatives if they have a problem?
Yes. And then habitually they fail to listen, and then they get voted out of office once they blow off enough of their constituents, and then the party opposite them crows about how CLEARLY the electorate must be coming around to their way of thinking, when really both major parties in the US are essentially the same people who have different masters, none of whose masters are the actual voters that put them in office.
It's why Congress went more Republican back in 2014. It doesn't mean that Americans were going "hey let's give the Republicans more of a shot". It's because they were going "my incumbent representative doesn't give a damn about me, so let's fire them".
It will be the same in 2016 and 2018, etc. A slough of Congressmen get fired every cycle not so much out of affirmative support for the party of the winner but out of spite for the incumbent.