@bored I think the colonies setting would be quite MU*-friendly. You can set it up around Second City, players can come from all clans (though I'd personally veto Spider as starting characters). Since the colonies aren't close enough to the Empire, law is more or less enforced, bad types are more commonly found and loyal and honourable samurai will need help from other dedicated folks, Adventure types could go for exploration in the regions nearby and you can add some political drama by setting it around the proxy Mantis-Crane war and see all the clans trying to get some leverage from them.

Posts made by sthanheykel
RE: The guy who coded Kishi Kaisei MUX [L5R]
RE: House Rules vs Rules as Written
My opinion is that House Rules shouldn't be used unless they are covering some mechanics not explored by the original system. I generally prefer modular RP systems, which allow GMs to choose which rules they wanna play, depending on the level of realism, setting or just personal preference, like GURPS and Savage Worlds.
However, when it comes to MU*s, it's sometimes necessary to do some adaptations, some RP systems will work better for it (in my experience, WoD seems like a good example, though XP becomes a problem after a while), some will need tweaks or a complete overhaul. I also believe that if you design a HR, you should constantly run tests and hear the experience of your players for constant improvement.
RE: Looking for Staff - Firenze: Trionfo della Morte
The MUSH is officially on beta as of today, I've configued the basic FS3 systems and ran some tests, built the central district of Florence and added a guide to the wiki on how to create your own character. I hope to get some feedback from early players as this is the first MUSH I set up from the scratch and, as such, is very likely to have some bugs and/or missing stuff, which I'll propmptly add upon request.
I'm currently adding characters to the +roster for people who don't like to create their own character or just wanna give it a little try. I've also rolled back the time to 1428, especially for the beta, no big changes in setting or whatever.
Connect using: firenze.hopto.org:1429 or
RE: Issue with IP config on PennMUSH
Tried a new router, reconfigured it all and everything works fine now.
@Seamus No, I'm using Virtua, their services are very stable here so hopefully I won't have any problems with them
RE: Issue with IP config on PennMUSH
Well, might be something else... I ran some tests with some friends and while I can use the WAN IP to connect to the server, no one outside the router's network can access it.
I tried checking port forwarding, the port is allowed in all firewalls, but I still get no luck.
RE: Issue with IP config on PennMUSH
Nevermind, it seems that my router had an additional firewall which was blocking communication, I was able to access and config it. Everything works as intended.
Thanks for the help!
RE: Issue with IP config on PennMUSH
No, it's configured so no ports are restricted.
Issue with IP config on PennMUSH
So, I've installed a PennMUSH server for myself on an Ubuntu system and FS3 Starter DB, everything was a success during installation, but I can't connect to my server using my public IP adress, only using the internal IP. The port was opened through iptables.
Did I miss something? How can I fix that?
RE: Looking for Staff - Firenze: Trionfo della Morte
Thanks for the attention, guys! I'm currently trying to compile a PennMUSH server for myself to start coding and maybe even host it there if no better option appears, meanwhile, I'll add more pages to the wiki.
I hope to have some kind of beta running by early December and a fully fleshed game by January.
RE: Looking for Staff - Firenze: Trionfo della Morte
There's the wiki: http://firenzemush.wikidot.com/
And as some additional information, I've decided to begin it during 1429 AD, before Cosimo's (and the Medici) ascencion to power, their bank is already active and Cosimo's father is a strong political figure, but they don't have the total control over the Republic yet, which could allow someone else to try and fill that gap.
Looking for Staff - Firenze: Trionfo della Morte
I've decided to go on with my project of an Italian Wars game based on the city of Florence. The main concept is to play out the politics of the Signoria, the main body of public administration of the city, but also giving space for those who wanna be condottieri, duelists, artists or anything else that made the Renaissence a very interesting and colourful period in history.
So far, I plan to use FS3 for its simplicity and readiness, but I also intend to add custom systems for rumors, administration and politics. I've also decided to go for an "alt-history" scenery where players are able to make decisive changes to history, for example, kicking the Medici out of Florence and ruling in their place or maybe helping the Papal State to control the city, but I'll try to keep the theme as close as possible to the historical events, with accurate deciption of daily life, weapons/armour, trading and such.
This would be a heavy task for a single person, though, and I'm hoping to find people here that can help me especially with coding and hosting, since due to my RL location, my options are very limited. I'm hoping to set up a wiki this weekend where I'll start writing the thematic materials.
Feel free to comment even if you just have some suggestions.
RE: Historical Mu* - Looking for interested Staff
@Lotherio said in Historical Mu* - Looking for interested Staff:
This was actually suggested by another poster in another thread.
@sthanheykel said in Historical MU*s:
- Firenze during the Italian Wars - Political Strife during Renaissance, families battle for the control of the Repubic of Firenze whilst Italy itself is engulfed in a war for the control of the peninsula, with foreign powers like the growing militaristic France or even the Germans from some of the HRE states prey for more land and vassals. PCs could be literally anyone from commonfolk, who would be experiencing the Renaissance and they still would have something to do as Savonarola would eventually come in play, changing the life of the common people or trying to rise through the ranks of society; richer/more influential people would be able to fight directly for control of the city or just enjoy the good life that their money can buy.
I do not want to leap on or steal this ideal, but I would absolutely play this game, time permitting.
Heh, I can probably do it as I gain more experience with coding and server tweaking, those are my biggest issues so far. I've got plenty material already from some books and I campaign I've run for some friends.
RE: Historical Mu* - Looking for interested Staff
@deadculture Not yet, though it's on my list
RE: Historical Mu* - Looking for interested Staff
@bored said in Historical Mu* - Looking for interested Staff:
@lordbelh I think it rises above 'possibly being discomforted' to nearly baiting people to get into fights on pub about religion/politics and I really don't think that's something any game really needs. And I say this being far from the sort to worry about offending/triggering/etc as a general matter of policy. I don't think these topics should be off limits (and I presume an alt-earth version would still have religious violence, all the horrors implied by war, etc), but from a pure 'I want my game to succeed' level I think it's probably a landmine @Lotherio would be better off not setting for himself to step on.
I respectfully disagree. An alt-earth setting makes the game more bland and takes part of the historical aspect away, if people want to bait others into religious and historical discussions, they could do it in a specific channel, with a clear rule stating they couldn't do it on <pub> or anywhere else. That way, those people who might get triggered wouldn't join this channel.
The Eternal Crusade had that quasi-War of the Roses/Hundred Years War setting, but the game itself didn't felt like it, you had just another L&L game with no differential whatsoever. However, The Realms Adventurous did have a British/Celtic feeling to it, which made the game much more interesting, in my opnion.
RE: Historical Mu* - Looking for interested Staff
If you don't mind someone with very limited coding skills (most of it coming from my brief stint as a builder at Firan), but lots of time to help, learn and some Osprey books to provide a more historical accurate aspects on whatever you'd like to be more closely related to real history, I'd like to volunteer myself to help you out.
Some points weren't much clear to me, though:
- Will you focus on a specific city or... county (You could probably use CK2 system of Count-Duke/Lesser King-King/Viceroy-Emperor for simplicity's sake)?
My suggestion is that you focus on a specific area, let's say the County of Santiago de Compostela, you put the Bishop of Iria as a NPC, allowing the players to play out as barons and nobles trying to find their place on court. - Would you be able to play Muslims on the Caliph's court? What about Jews?
- What kind of system are we looking forward to?
- How fast would time progress?
- Will you focus on a specific city or... county (You could probably use CK2 system of Count-Duke/Lesser King-King/Viceroy-Emperor for simplicity's sake)?
RE: Historical MU*s
Wow, for some reason I didn't get any notifications to my own thread after a while.
Anyway, I'm glad it stirred up some ideas and discussion on the right level of historical accuracity! I especially liked the idea of the Formation of Novgorod, I'd love to play as a merchant/Varagian. Though, (I tend to think in GURPS terms, mind that) so my favourite setting would be either something around Iron Age or Age of Sail/Early Industrialization.
I have written some RP material for the following settings:
Firenze during the Italian Wars - Political Strife during Renaissance, families battle for the control of the Repubic of Firenze whilst Italy itself is engulfed in a war for the control of the peninsula, with foreign powers like the growing militaristic France or even the Germans from some of the HRE states prey for more land and vassals. PCs could be literally anyone from commonfolk, who would be experiencing the Renaissance and they still would have something to do as Savonarola would eventually come in play, changing the life of the common people or trying to rise through the ranks of society; richer/more influential people would be able to fight directly for control of the city or just enjoy the good life that their money can buy.
Fictional City during John I's reign - This idea comes mostly from Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth/World Without End. I believe it would be interesting to see how a fictional small city works out surviving the period, mostly trying to stay out of the conflicts whilst trying to prosper. I'd also borrow some elements from games like CK2 and add random events that could trigger depending on the condition of the city or the characters.
Peninsular War - More a campaign than a setting per se, I have lots of material for the battles that happened in Portugal during the Peninsular War, PC's could be members of Wellington's army or the Portuguese that were fighting side by side with the British against the French, it would also feature some old tech spying.
Shanghai Noir - Early 1900's Shanghai was a multicultural place, the European countries had some sort of control of the city, refugees fled there looking for a safe haven, westerners controlled half of the economy of the city. Police struggled to control the ethnic differences and the rising crime in one of the most populated cities of the world, opium abuse isn't an uncommon occurence. Meanwhile political tensions rise across China and the newly founded Republic might soon find itself as the strategic point of a civil war.
RE: Crumbling Crowns - An Idea Gathering spot
I love the idea of something set around this Tech Period (my profile pic won't lie :P)!
Anyway, here are some questions that might help you with world building:
How would the relationship with the dragons work? Are they intelligent creatures that have been enslaved or controlled with magic? Beasts that have been tamed?
Are there any regions of the countries that can rise up in rebellion and try to form a nation of their own, like real life Ireland or Haiti during Napoleonic era?
Is slavery a thing? If so, is it restricted to a skin colour/ethnicity?
Are there any industries related to the dragons? Air transport/messaging systems, maybe?
Royalty has the semi-Divine Right, but what about nobles? Are they considered special by the official religion or are there ways for them to get a Mandate of Heaven?
RE: Sthanheykel's Playlist
@Pondscum Yep, that was him. I remember he had a stern attitude and wanted to make his deceased father proud, but hadn't managed to have a son yet, thus wasn't a true man to the Hydra.
@Crysta Hey there, Accalia! I loved our group of kids, they'd probably would've made great stories as they grow up.
Sthanheykel's Playlist
Might as well find someone that RP'ed with me in the past.
Former skins:
Firan: Daemio (He had many players, so I better specify 2011-2013), Arosan, Lune, Matti, Danel and some Hydra dude that wanted to build a huge ship (Can't remember his name at all :P)
Game of Kings: Emrys, Aethel
ATS: Nikat
Kishi Kaisei: Yoritomo Yisun
Blood of Dragons: Theonald (my first character, did a lot of stupid things with him)Current:
Grimwood: Yin
Dystopia: James -
RE: Open Dates of New Games?
@EUBanana Keep us updated! I'd be very interested in playing there.